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Opinions of Wednesday, 9 September 2015

Columnist: Abdulai, Alhaji Alhasan

Worry not Ezenator, it’s all politics

Opinion Opinion

Ezenator Rawlings, eldest child of former President John Rawlings
Go away; NDC women attack Ezenator, this is a screaming headline reaction in a newspaper when the eldest daughter of former President of Ghana, Jerry John Rawlings picked nomination forms to contest the parliamentary primaries on the ticket of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) in the Klottey Korle Constituency.

Her move angered scores of angry looking market women in the constituency who were clad in red headbands chanting and declaring that she is not known in the constituency. Some of the women were advising her to go and stay with her mother Nana Konadu Agyemang Rawling in NDP.

In a nation whose government advocates support for women to move on in life to be able to support her and the nation one wonders why women would rise against fellow women. However not all women were against her candidature. She had a good support in the beginning.

Some people within and outside NDC who welcomed her desire to represent the people in Clottey Korley expected the people to accept her for they felt that she could pose a threat to all opponents and capable of winning the seat for NDC. But the move by the women in the constituency seems to pose a problem to her. As said earlier she has been told by her opponents that she is not known and therefore not welcomed.

Since she is an adult Ghanaian of voting age she is right in taking her personal decision to get actively involved in politics. She is capable of taking part in discussions on matters regarding her constituency and the nation as a whole. However before she took the decision to contest for the Clottey Korley seat in parliament she should have consulted people who are well versed in the affairs of the party in the area.

From where I sit I do not think Ezernator was rejected because she is not eligible for election to parliament. She was also not rejected because she is a daughter of the former president and the former first lady Nana Konadu Agyemang Rawlings.

However she might have been ejected because she did not feature prominently for the NDC at the grassroots level in the constituency. Not only that she might be seen by some of the women opposed to her as not an indigenous Ga from the constituency.

Abigail Quaye, spokesperson for the group which appears to enjoy the backing of the incumbent MP had indicated that it had been the incumbent Nii Armah Ashitey who had helped them, especially when they were relocating from the Novotel Hotel to their present location (Odawna Market); hence, he is the only person they have known in the constituency.

My advice to her is that (since she is young), should the people of Clottey Korley reject her, in the coming primary polls she should not worry; that should not end her dream of becoming an active politician. I wish to advise Ezernator to rely on the saying that ‘when one door closes, another will open’.

Whether she is chosen or not, She should re-strategize by proving to them that she is a grassroots person by working with members of the party especially the market women together. She must not get annoyed with them but win them over to be able to represent the constituency in future.

If she fails to win them over she can take a cue from (Samia Nkrumah who once represented the people of Jomoro) by going to contest the seat in Keta, her father’s hometown or her mother’s hometown where she is likely to be favored.

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