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Opinions of Tuesday, 27 April 2010

Columnist: Amankwah, Samuel K.

Would Nana Addo Take Apostle Serious?

APOSTLE’S REFLECTION with Samuel K. Amankwah

Developments in the country since the Mills-led National Democratic Congress government was placed at the helm of affairs and the reactions from the masses to his uninspiring, “slow but sure” leadership confirm the fact that majority of Ghanaians have regretted entrusting their destinies into the hands of the “Asomdwehene”.

Those who entertain doubts about this fact should contact the founder of the NDC, Jerry Rawlings, and his ilk such as Ras Mubarak for a better appreciation of the abyss of hopelessness the nation has been plunged into by the Mills’ inept government that is bankrupt of workable ideas.

Nana Akufo-Addo rightly hit the nail on the head when he remarked during his last week’s media interaction that “We are moving backwards, slowly but surely. Ghana is yearning to feel Mills’ presidency and not his residency.”

Ghanaians, indeed, expect Prof Mills to come out visibly and be seen taking bold, pragmatic steps surmount the problems confronting the nation. Ghanaians, for instance, expect to see a President whose directives to the police to arrest and prosecute party lunatics who are unleashing terror on the nation will be respected and carried out.

Apostle felt so sad for former President Rawlings when he recently lamented about the fact that the glaring failures of his political student had left him with no message of hope for the good people of Ghana when the 2012 electioneering campaign starts.

Mr Rawlings, the man who has constantly sought to create the impression that he cares more for the masses than any other person in the country, should hold his peace. This is because his short, not-too handsome friend from Kyebi offers that hope for the masses he (Rawlings) claims to care about.

“We need to restore hope…this is my basic motivating factor today. If by the grace of God I have the chance, I will bring hope and restore the kind of confidence that we need to move our nation forward.” That is Nana Akufo-Addo’s promise to the nation, including former President Rawlings, and even President Mills.

It was clear from the reactions that greeted Nana Addo’s last week media interaction that Ghanaians are looking up to him for the socio-politico-economic deliverance of the nation.

Apostle was shocked when minutes after his interaction, the detractors started accusing him of making a presentation that sought to address the entire nation, instead of only NPP delegates. I must say I was even disappointed about the fact that he did not touch briefly on his agenda for the whole of the African continent. Ask me why, and I will provide you a simple answer: the man is not wanted by only Ghanaians to become our President, but the whole Africa need him to spearhead the African agenda.

Nana Addo is certainly on a mission to rescue the nation from the abyss of hopelessness it has been plunged into as a result of the ineptitude of the Mills-led National Democratic Congress government. Our political opponents and their collaborators are aware of this. That was why they greeted his media interaction with scathing attacks. One wonders where the venomous viper Tonny Aidoo had been hiding until Nana Addo spoke. Oh yes, Nana speaks, and all must respond!

The intentions of our opponents have always been clear: let’s destroy the man because he poses the most serious threat to the survival of our party in the 2012 elections.

That is why the NDC and its collaborators desperately continue to subject Nana Addo to all forms of judgments and condemnation, all as part of the diabolical agenda to bring him down. That is why they will support the candidature of a challenger to Nana Addo they see as an easy meat to chew.

But Apostle trusts in the Lord that no weapon forged against you will prevail, and you will refute every tongue that accuses you” (Isaiah 54:17).

A critical scrutiny of activities that have featured prominently in Nana Addo’s 35-year exceptional political career clearly marks him out as a man who really has good intentions for his country and people.

That is why Apostle would not be wrong to see him as a servant of God who has been commissioned to lead a rescue mission. And that is why he will stand all the attacks, both within and outside the NPP. “Who are you to judge someone else’s servant? To his own master he stands or falls. And he will stand, for the Lord is able to make him stand.” (Romans 14: 4). No matter the vile and despicable propaganda; no matter the attacks -- verbal, physical or spiritual -- Nana will stand, and succeed in their rescue mission.

The heart desire of Nana Addo is to return NPP to the corridors of power in 2012, and to restore hope and confidence to move the nation forward. I believe he can do it, because he has divine responsibility to fulfill that mission. Who says the hand of God was not in his defeat in the 2008 election? And who says he not leant his lessons in a bitter way?

Apostle is convinced God wanted to use the defeat to teach him some lessons and to transform him into the form God desires before allowing him to ascend the presidency.

Nana Addo is aware, but I want to remind him, that his presidency would not have been as glorious as it ought to be if he had entered the Jubilee House with the kind of attitude many of the people around him used to exhibit.

Oh yes, that is why you are now convinced that some of them should play the game from behind the scenes. Now you have a better appreciation of the behaviour of the people.

Would Nana Addo take Apostle serious? Here is Apostle’s message from God, as you embark on this long, tiring and tortuous rescue mission: “However, as for you, I will take you, and you will rule over all that your heart desires…If you do whatever I command you and walk in my ways and do what is right in my eyes by keeping my statutes and commands…, I will be with you…” (1Kings 11:37-38)

This is God’s assurance: you will lead NPP to achieve your heart desire of winning the 2012 elections, and to further restore hope and confidence to move the nation forward to the next level of its development. But remember the CONDITION: If you do the right thing, commanded by God.

As a Christian, you are aware of what you are expected to do to that are right in the sight of your Maker. Apostle expects you to, as much as possible, develop yourself into a somewhat spiritual stronghold, by avoiding all practices that make you an enemy of God.

It may be difficult for you to achieve your heart desire if you continually find yourself among the people referred to in James 4:4 of the Holy bible: “You adulterous people, don’t you know that friendship with the world is hatred towards God? Anyone who chooses to be a friend of the world becomes an enemy of God.”

It is true that politics is scientific, but as a Christian I don’t think you doubt the teachings of the Scriptures, especially about the happenings in the spiritual world that a lot of people have been telling you about.

Apostle was so much touched when you intimated at the media interaction that after a sober reflection on your painful defeat, “I have come out stronger for leadership”, and that you believe you are “standing on the brink of a great victory for our great party and ask all party faithful to give me the desired push for a sweet victory.”

You are really standing on the brink of victory; you will also get the needed push from us as party faithful, but you must do your part by “repenting” and avoiding all acts of commissions and omissions you sincerely believe contributed to your defeat in 2008.

Revelation 2:4 of the Scripture should offer you some lesson in this regard: “Yet I hold this against you: You have forsaken your first love. Remember the height from which you have fallen! Repent and do the things you did at first. If you do not repent, I will come to you and remove your lamp stand from its place.” What happens if your lamp stand that radiates before you is removed from its place, and you fail to win the 2012 elections? A word to the wise…

Nana, the good people of Ghana on whose side you have stood and fought for 35 years are suffering. They need a political saviour; they see you as that saviour. That is why many are saying they will not vote if the NPP delegates fail to re-elect you as the presidential candidate. You failed Ghanaians in 2008 because even though they “elected” you as the president – that is clear from developments in the country since your narrow defeat – you could not ascend the presidency. You can’t afford to disappoint the people again, as you make your last attempt to ascend the nation’s presidency.

The author is a freelance journalist and Associate Consultant of EagleWay Communications Consult. [email protected], 0244-217504