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Opinions of Wednesday, 28 December 2011

Columnist: Tawiah, Francis

Woyome Describes NPP As "Mate Meho Bastards"

The Culpable Greedy Bastard Alfred Woyome Describes NPP As "Mate Meho Bastards"

The embattled criminal financier of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), Alfred
Woyome, has denied ever being a member of the New Patriotic Party as claimed by his
former lawyer Kwadwo Owusu Afriyie, simply because he was able to put his hand in
the mouth of the NPP without being bitten.

Woyome got a contract from the NPP, did not peg a pole in the ground but could be
paid a compensation of almost $50million Dollars by the NDC for a work not done.

Alfred Woyome, who was in court on Thursday to battle the Attorney General over a
judgment debt settlement case, instead of defending himself could only described the
NPP as a bunch of ?mate meho bastards? whom he could never have been part of.

The criminal Woyome told Citi-News "I am a revolutionary person, I was in the
revolution of June 4, I came back to this country after being the vice honorary
consular of Austria for all those period, being on official duty, so if that means
that I am NPP then that is very myopic."

Woyome, a criminal, who claimed to have been an ex-Ghana vice honorary consular of
Austria, in my opinion would like his case to be investigated by the EOCO because of
some reasons best known to himself. ("A crow will never hook out the eyes of another
crow"). That is why described as ridiculous assertions by some lawyers, opposition
members and political groups such as FONKAR that the Economic and Organised Crime
Office (EOCO) cannot be trusted to do an independent job because it falls under the
Attorney General?s Department and so cannot objectively investigate a matter
involving the Attorney General.

After the case between Woyome and the Attorney General was adjourned to the 16th of
January 2012, the culpable Woyome who has no shame could go to the extent of warning
some elements within the NDC whom he accused of protecting culpable NPP officials to
watch out.

I wonder how such a criminal could be appointed to represent Ghana as a vice
honorary consular of Austria.

FRANCIS TAWIAH (Duisburg - Germany