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Opinions of Sunday, 22 January 2012

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Woyome Lands Record GHC58 Million "Mortuary man" Jackpot

The self-styled NDC financer, Alfred Agbesi Woyome, has fraudulently landed a whopping GHC58 Million jackpot. He wormed himself into President Mills' confidence when the NDC won both the Parliamentary and Presidential elections in 2008. He started doling out money to the NDC whenever the situation arose and he was able. By this foxy gesture, the NDC embraced him with open arms, flattering him by constantly praising his philanthropy. No sooner, the NDC had conferred upon him the title, "Major Financier". However, Alfred the con businessperson was without much money to foot the corruptive initiatives of, and bills from, the myopic greedy NDC party operatives.

The NDC gurus secretly met probably at the behest of President Mills, and hatched a plan to enrich Alfred Agbesi Woyome, once a likely cat-thief in his youthful age. Strong circumstantial evidence persuades me that President Mills gave his blessing to the meeting that resulted in organising an "Atta Mortuary man Raffle". Without the public knowledge and participation, the NDC greedy bastards, as Rawlings will address them, took money from the Consolidated Fund and placed it in the hurriedly formed raffle chest.

The dubiously organised raffle was drawn and won by the sole chosen one, Alfred Agbesi Woyome, the purported NDC major financier. The former most ignorant, most incompetent Attorney General, Betty Mould-Iddrisu, supervised the draw. In attendance were Alex Segbefia, the Deputy Chief of Staff; Akyena Brentuo, the sacked member of the NDC Communication Team based at the Castle; Barton-Oduro- the Deputy Attorney General. Betty Mould-Iddrisu like most NDC government appointees has been a complete failure in all her duties except conniving with Alfred in crime to inflict daylight robbery on Ghana.

President Mills was until the raffle drawn, wondering how he could finance his 2012 re-election campaign. He was all the while shivering, trembling like a leaf with cold chill sent down his spine with goose pimples all over his body whenever the question of how to finance his campaign hits him. Alfred smashed the "Atta Mortuary man Raffle" machine with money dropping and flying in all corners to the relief of President Mills. Now, there is enough money to buy re-election winning votes for President Mills although incompetent and a weakling as he is. He is now reeling in happiness over the possibility of winning the elections easily because there is money to spend.

The Finance Minister instructed the Office of the Controller and Accountant General to effect immediate payment of the winning raffle as ordered by Madam "Conniver" Betty Mould-Iddrisu, a shame on academia and womanhood. Did the Finance Minister at any point in time not make President Mills aware of such hefty payment to an individual? President Mills has claimed he was not, but I am certain my Kumawu compatriot, as honest and expert in his field as he is, would follow protocol by informing President Mills. Surely, the Finance Minister will one day divulge the involvement or not, of President Mills about the payment. Atta has always been economical with the truth, pretending ignorance about issues when caught off-guard.

Now that the raffle has turned out fraud, not only President Mills but also, the Accountant General is ducking. They thought nobody would ever know about their ridiculous secret dealing which but is now in the public domain. The Accountant General like Atta Mills is frightened at the sheer knowledge that the public is aware of the payment of such a staggering figure, GHC58 Million, to one crafty individual. Even young girls in Ghana are able to acknowledge their mistakes when pointed out to them by saying, "I am aware". How come that an old man of 70 years, Atta Mills, has no balls to accept his faults but prefer to deny their existence? Does he not have hard balls dangling in-between his legs, or old age has wiped them clean?

The NDC are exerting pressure on the Controller and Accountant General to lie about the payment. He has then come out with some most stupid reason for having got the payment figure wrong initially. He has his hands shaking, voice quivering, pupils dilated and jaw dropping. He should understand that it is not worth lying to keep your job - good name is rather better than riches. He can run but cannot hide, for choosing to help the NDC greedy bastards push the truth about the Woyomegate saga under the carpet.

The truth will out. Woyome has named Former President Rawlings as one of the beneficiaries of the GHC58 Million. In the end, we shall find that not only has Atta Mills been benefiting from the scandalous "Atta Mortuary man Raffle" that fraudulently put money in Woyome's pocket but also, he initiated the whole fraud.

Impeach Atta Mills if found to have breached public trust in him if indeed, he was made aware prior to paying that Volta thief, GHC58 Million.

Woyome here, Woyome there, Woyome everywhere. Rawlings is right- the Atta Mills' NDC government is full of greedy bastards!

As usual, the NDC greedy bastards that stand to benefit from the sham raffle are going on public demonstration on Tuesday, 24th January 2012 in support of Woyome. The noose is in the end catching up with them. Rawlings stands to be vindicated when he said, "The NDC government are overflowing with corruption and full of greedy mediocre bastards"

Rockson Adofo