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Opinions of Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Woyome is treating his Supporters to ....

Ostentatious Gargantuan Parties with your Money – GHC51 Million

No matter the ferocity of the whirlwind, it will eventually settle. This has always been the philosophical belief of Alfred Agbesi Woyome, the award-winning swindler of the century. Sooner had Ghanaians started agitating for the restitution of the GHC51 Million the NDC condoned and connived with Alfred Agbesi Woyome to steal from Ghana than the scandalous issues with the biometric registration exercise cropped up? In the wake of the intentional election-rigging-related problems with the ongoing biometric registration exercise, almost every Ghanaian has forgotten about the gargantuan money Alfred Agbesi Woyome fraudulently obtained from Ghana.

Hon Kennedy Agyapong's recent intemperate rage over the government's nonchalance to Nii Lantey Vanderpuiye's lawless insanity at Odododiodoo has not helped the situation either. It has rather almost obliterated anyone's idea about Woyome's historic graft. Instead of discussing, and advancing solutions to how best to retrieve the money from that unprecedented robber, the NDC propaganda machine has tuned people's mind to the unfortunate vituperations by Kennedy Agyapong.

I understand now that people's anger is miserably redirected at Hon Kennedy Agyapong, Alfred Agbesi Woyome is availing himself of the space, time and peace to treat his supporters with NDC dubious characters inclusive, to gargantuan "money swine" parties.

I will not rest until the law has compelled Mr Woyome to refund the money so stolen to the State. The State Attorneys designated to prosecute Woyome seem not competent and ready enough to handle the task satisfactorily. In my estimation, they are dubiously securing Alfred Agbesi Woyome a favourable default judgment. I arrived at my conclusion based on their incessant requests to the trial judge for adjournment of the case. This unfortunate scenario has so much angered the judge presiding over the case, Justice John Ajet-Nassam, that he recently warned he, "may be compelled to take a decision that will not be in the interest of the country if State prosecutors continue asking for more adjournments" and said, “Throw in the towel or get serious”

In order not to allow Woyome saunter through the streets of Accra with puffed chest, ostentatiously displaying his ill-gotten wealth, I will advise fellow noble Ghanaians not to lie to rest the Woyomegate scandal. I know it is the wish of the equally dubious and charlatan NDC that Ghanaians sooner forget about the Woyomegate scandal. As Watergate scandal brought down US President Nixon, so should Woyomegate bring down President Mills?

I will entreat all willing and noble Ghanaians to write to bring the Woyomegate scandal to the attention of President Barack Obama, the US Congress, Prime Minister David Cameron, The UK House of Commons and Upper House (House of Lords), the British Queen, The Roman Catholic Pope, IMF, the World Bank and the International Court of Justice. The more we write to the mentioned persons and bodies, the more pressure will come to bear on the rouge administration in operation in Ghana to compel Woyome to bring the money back.

As long as I live, and by the grace of God, my Shield and Comforter, Woyome can run but he cannot hide. Sooner he coughs up the money, much the better it is for him. You may also mention all the NDC's intentional election-rigging irregularities associated with the biometric voter's registration exercise. We request corruption-free elections for Ghana.

Peace is unto you, all ye honest and brave Ghanaians.

Rockson Adofo