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Opinions of Friday, 26 May 2017

Columnist: Rockson Adofo

‘Ye regye yen sika’ Demo: Redeeming Ghana from excruciating institutional corruption

Captain Smart Captain Smart

Today, I have every reason to doff my hat to Captain Smart, a programme presenter at Adom TV for single-handedly using his programme to sensitize Ghanaians on the savaging effects of institutional corruption, the bane of the socio-economic emancipation of Ghana and/or continental Africa, on Ghanaians and the yet unborn. He has been able to persuade the rank and file of Ghanaians to accept the reality of the fact that the corruption or the embezzlement of public funds so rooted in our leaders, highly placed public servants, etc., is very damaging and threatening to our very existence as human beings in Ghana.

For Captain Smart and many of us, the ruinous corruption cannot be left unchecked. It should not be allowed to continue to ramify to the detriment of the majority of Ghanaians, but the joy of a handful of Ghanaians in whom we have placed our trust and fate by electing them to higher offices. It is about time the canker called corruption was arrested, decapitated, buried and gotten rid of entirely from the Ghanaian society.

Subsequently, many Ghanaians from all walks of life will join his clarion call to a mammoth demonstration today, Friday, 26 May 2017 in Accra starting from “Obra Spot” through the streets of Accra until Tema Lorry Station in Accra to finally dismiss at the office of the Economic and Organised Crimes Office (EOCO). It starts at 07:00 hours (7 am).

The demo has been codenamed “Ye regye yen sika” meaning, “We are collecting our money”. It is the belief of the demonstrators and every discerning Ghanaian that unless the suffering masses who may well be called the commoners rise up against the well and highly placed leaders who are indulged in corrupt practices, Ghana will never prosper and the majority of the people will continue to live in abject poverty.

Therefore, those public office holders who have evidentially been established to have squandered the taxpayers’ monies must be compelled to refund them and this is exactly the intention of the demonstrators and all well-meaning Ghanaians.

As I keep on saying, and I shall reiterate here today that nobody can build Ghana better for us than Ghanaians themselves. I am therefore very supportive of the initiative taken by Captain Smart to mobilise Ghanaians to agitate for their money wrongly stolen from them by certain extremely corrupt, wicked, insatiably greedy and shameless individuals who lack self-respect hence abusing the people’s confidence and trust reposed in them.

The air for change is still blowing with intensity to rid Ghana of the gargantuan financial rot masterminded, perpetrated and perpetuated by former President Mahama and his government and party accomplices. This is why the demonstration is coming on to stop our inherently corrupt Ghanaian politicians from ever dreaming to continue to misappropriate public funds or abuse their positions so corruptibly by way of forcing them to reinstate to the country and the people of Ghana the public money they have already illegally availed themselves of.

When this demonstration succeeds which surely it will, it will be the first of its kind to have begun the liberation of continental Africa in general and Ghana in particular from the rubbish and nonsensical abuse of power by our leaders, be they public or traditional leaders.

I had often discussed with people I interact with during political discourses in search of the way forward to extricate Africa from the grips of corruption spearheaded by our leaders that Africa needs to go through a popular radical revolution initiated by the ordinary citizens but not the coup d’états staged by hungry military men. What is about to happen as thoughtfully hatched and masterminded by Captain Smart can resort in the popular people’s revolution that I have been craving for to put right the wrongs fanatically relentlessly being pursued by our politicians and people in positions of trust to selfishly enrich themselves.

I call on all Ghanaians to support the noble initiative taken by Captain Smart. We shall collect all the money stolen by our politicians and heads of Civil Services.

More grease to the elbows of Captain Smart and every Ghanaian taking part in the demonstration which will not be a one-off event but pursued until the positive change we yearn for actually materialises.