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Opinions of Saturday, 7 May 2016

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Yes, Ghana’s David is coming to floor Ghana’s Goliath!

Yes, a Change is Coming! Yes, Ghana’s David is Coming! Yes, Ghana’s Joseph is Coming! These are the heralding phrasal messages being sung by both the heavenly angels and earthly people who desire better for Ghanaians in their current hopeless situation under the near-oppressive rule by “Yen ntie obiaa” President John Dramani Mahama and his unprecedentedly corrupt NDC government.

When the Israelites were permanently threatened; subjugated by the Philistines and their strongest human monster Goliath, they made constant supplications to God to come to their aid. God heard their prayers and subsequently provided them a way out of their suppression under the hands of the Philistines. He did this in his own appointed time.

On God’s appointed day, He gave them a Saviour in the person of a tiny boy; a shepherd of no meaningful standing in the eyes of his own people, the Israelites. Many Israelites including the Philistines made mockery of David when he stood out of the crowd as the tiny boy who was going to take the Philistine giant, Goliath, out on a contest.

As God was on his side, David on that day was able to not only floor Goliath with a single shot from his sling but also, decapitated him. The Philistines ran away. David’s defeat of the Philistine giant brought great relief to the entire people of Israel who had until then been under constant threat of insecurity by the Philistines.

When the change came, the Israelites became free forever!

When Ghana’s change comes on 7th November 2016 or thereabout, and under the able leadership of Nana Akufo Addo, Ghanaians shall be free forever.

When the biblical Joseph told his brothers and parents about his dream, interpreted to be all of his parents and siblings bowing to him one day, they disbelieved him. They began to hate him with passion. Subsequently, they sold him into slavery.

Nonetheless, he emerged from all the problems he went through victoriously to become as God had purposed for him and the entire people of Israel.

Despite all the problems some members of NPP, for example Arthur Kobina Kennedy, Kwabena Agyepong, Paul Afoko, Dr Nyaho Nyaho Tamakloe, Tarzan and the entire NDC faithful had or have pushed, or are pushing, Nana Akufo Addo through with intent to scupper his God-ordained plans, he will emerge victorious as Joseph did. He will come out with flying colours, with his head up, as David did.

When God announces that a change is coming, indeed a change is come.

People of Ghana; let it be known to you today that God has heard your supplications and prayers. He has following your prayers to Him supplied you with a redeemer in the person of Nana Akufo Addo. Please, let us all rally behind him to win election 2016 to liberate us from the unprecedentedly financial constraints Ghanaians find themselves in today.

Everybody is to join me in trumpeting this simple but vital message of CHANGE IS COMING!!!

NANA AKUFO ADDO IS COMING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rockson Adofo