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Opinions of Friday, 7 October 2011

Columnist: Damptey, Daniel Danquah

Yes, let those tests be conducted.

The Nefarious Destructive Cancer has all the time been saying Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, Presidential Candidate of the New Patriotic Party is on drugs and should subject himself to a drug test. In spite of the fact that Nana himself has come out to clear the air on the matter, those sons of Beelzebub still persist in their barbaric, unpatriotic and unmeritorious actions.
By this standard, the NDC is suggesting that if someone makes an allegation against you, the onus lies on the individual against whom the allegation has been made to come out with evidence to absolve him/her self.
If we were to go by this new standard, I will say it is okay by me. Let all the Presidential aspirants go through a drug test. But before that, I want readers to answer this one BIG question which has been bogging my mind for a long time. I mean no harm, and disrespect, please.
Between Nana Addo Dankwah Akufo Addo, Presidential Candidate of the New Patriotic Party and John Evans Fiifi Atta Mills, Presidential Candidate of the Nefarious Destructive Cancer, who resembles a junkie and is in dire need of rehabilitation? Put the pictures of those two personalities side by side and bring the two of them to the same platform and let Ghanaians and foreigners decide which of the two has the traits and physical appearance of a drug addict?
Apart from that, I would like the NDC Presidential Candidate to also go through a thorough medical examination to ascertain the truth as to how he came by the throat cancer which his aides had tried to conceal from the Ghanaian populace, but thanks to Wilkileaks we now know what is wrong with our President.
Medical research has revealed that throat cancer could be only be contracted through any or more of these three sources - excessive drinking and smoking and by licking the anus or the private anatomy of women. The same medical research has revealed that in the event of one contracting the disease through excessive drinking or smoking, symptoms of the disease will manifest themselves within 5 years after one has put an end to such a bad habit. It could however be contracted while one is drinking or smoking. It means therefore that if one does not contract the disease, five years after he/ she has stopped smoking or drinking profusely, then the likelihood of contracting it later on in life is a mirage.
W e all know for a fact that the President and Presidential Candidate of the Nefarious Destructive Cancer for the 2012 Presidential Election, John Evans Fiifi Atta Mills was a chain smoker and into excessive drinking during his days as a lecturer at University of Ghana, Legon. Infact, some of his colleagues in those days describe him as an “alcoholic” or a “sadweam”. This is a fact which the latter day saints in the NDC will find it bitter to swallow, but it is the truth. The President in those days was a sadweam. I mean no harm or disrespect but facts are facts and the truth has got to be told.
We also know for a fact that the President somehow, got over his love for the bottle and smoking habit. I don’t know how it happened, but he got hold of himself and quit those dangerous habits. It has been more than 15 years since and he did not contract the disease within that period. That rules out the first two as likely sources of the disease.
This leaves us with the third source and the most obvious cause of the throat cancer – licking of women’s private anatomy. Now the questions: Did the President and NDC Presidential Candidate for the 2012 Pr5esidential Election engage in such sexual practice? If he did, can he tell us those women he practised such oral sex with?
Readers, don’t you think the President should undertake a medical test to unravel how he came by his throat cancer? Let no one talk of disrespect to the Presidency. We are talking about the person occupying that position. If indeed, the President engaged in such sexual practises and as a result of his indiscretion, Ghanaians are saddled with a huge medical bill to cure him of such a disease, I think we deserve a profound apology from the man whose devotees have touted as a person of integrity. Yes, we deserve it.
If he comes out to tell Ghanaians the truth, we will find it in our hearts to forgive and pray for him.

In conclusion, I have these other questions to ask of my fellow Ghanaians: Do you think Professor John Evans Fiifi Atta Mills, the juju man, the necromancer, the magician, the man who prefers a juju ring to his wedding ring deserves another term of office after all the miseries he and his band of unpatriotic nation wreckers have put Ghanaians through? Don’t you think he should subject himself to a thorough medical examination to enable Ghanaians and the rest of the world know how he contracted the throat cancer? I think he should!
For me, I will join in singing the melodious chorus of many Ghanaians to the effect that Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo Addo is the best thing that has ever happened in the political landscape of the country. You may heap all the insult on me but I will still say “Nana all the way”. He is the solution to our problems.

Daniel Danquah Damptey ([email protected]) 0243715297.