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Opinions of Tuesday, 12 December 2017


You cannot find peace by avoiding life

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You cannot find peace by avoiding life _Virginia Woolf

Something as cliché as, “when life gives you lemons, make lemonade” can get one thinking, thinking and thinking… And slowly meandering vast philosophical realms…

Still thinking, what really is the essence of life?

I remember my Dad making a profound observation during my teenage years, “Ophe, you want everything to be perfect but life really isn’t like that.”

At the time, he was speaking to my wanting my curtains to match my room’s theme. Well, this never hit home till in my recent ‘adult years’. Life, my two cents…

You never really get things to always pan out the way you expect them to…

Contrary to what I used to think as a child, being grown up sucks (sometimes).

There’s really no fast rule to life and how you should live… Nobody has it all figured out.

Sometimes life is a quagmire of unruly uncertainties…

Sometimes it’s the peace and contentment one finds in solitude…

Sometimes it’s being loved regardless of your flaws

Sometimes it’s making unforgivable mistakes and yet picking yourself up howbeit distraught and learning from your mistakes…

It could be worthy giving love a shot and making another person happy and being there for that special someone

Maybe this is the essence of this life after all… Like others have said…


1. Squirt someone in the eye 2. Chunk it right back 3. Get mad! Yell, I don’t want your damn lemons and then break things 4. Throw them at someone 5. Or make lemonade

My Opinion…

Go against the grain…

Be radical…

Be opinionated…

Take life by the sacs and squeeze hard

Love, love deeply and don’t hold back

Yes, live because tomorrow is not promised.

Virginia Woolf aptly puts it…

“You cannot find peace by avoiding life”

So live…