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Opinions of Friday, 30 July 2021

Columnist: Joel Savage

Your leadership is a disaster Nana Akufo-Addo, you have lost focus

President of Ghana , Nana Akufo Addo President of Ghana , Nana Akufo Addo

Over the years, under the leadership of Nana Akufo Addo, Ghana has turned into an unstable, authoritative, corrupt, lawless, crime and frauds infested country.

It’s clear that the president has lost focus, therefore, doesn’t actually know what he is doing or what to do as a leader.

Ghana has gone through many crises decades after independence but the position of the country at the moment, under the leadership of Nana Akufo Addo, a democratically elected president, has never been witnessed in the political history of the country.

If a soothsayer or a clairvoyant would have told me years back while in Ghana, that there will be a Ghanaian president, whose leadership will plunge the country into the abyss, seriously affecting both Ghanaians at home and those in the Diaspora, I believe I would have said: “that can’t be possible.”

I can’t doubt myself today because I am witnessing the type of government that its leadership has lost focus on issues destroying the country, therefore, everything is falling apart in Ghana.

Ghana is experiencing lawlessness, massive corruption, a high rate of unemployment, crimes, and frauds, everywhere, including the Kotoka International Airport, with impunity.

In the most successful countries in the world, leadership development means a systematic activity, to which the president and his ministers devote a lot of time to solve the problems the country faces but your weak leadership has potentially become a serious obstacle to the development of our nation.

One of the biggest challenges Nana Akufo Addo faces as a president is that he can’t heal himself from corruption; therefore, he lacks the ability and common sense to fight corruption in the country. One of the reasons he couldn’t protect the public purse as he promised.

Every serious intelligent president, prepared to fight corruption, will never entertain a politician involved in a corruption scandal in a government but since Nana Akufo Addo himself is corrupt, he keeps every corrupt politician in his government.

I have said it before that any good country, with serious leadership, will never accept people like Kwasi Anin-Yeboah, the Chief Justice, Charles Bissiw, and Eugene Arhin, the Director of Communications, serving at the Flagstaff House, to serve the people. They will be forced to resign.

Look at what is happening at the Kotoka International Airport. Health Officials are using the COVID-19 situation to target travelers in possession of foreign passports, falsely accusing them of having COVID, even though the passengers are fully vaccinated and had a 'Negative test result, 72 hours prior to their departure.

How can you be a president without knowing what is taking place at the Kotoka International Airport? Is that what Ghanaians in the Diaspora and those interested to invest, are going to face at the airport for the entire period before the coronavirus subsides?

This is ridiculous, Akufo Addo, what does leadership mean to you? It is very embarrassing as the recorded videos at Kotoka International Airport are going viral. How would foreigners view Ghana after watching such videos in only Ghana?

Nana Akufo Addo’s lack of efficiency, productivity, and experience, has led to political instability, therefore, in Ghana today, many are committing crimes in the country with impunity.

Many times, I wonder why you were elected as president by Ghanaians because your presence as a president is meaningless. You don't even know what shame is, what a pity?

An effective president has to realize the importance of broad leadership development and in the modern interpretation of this concept, analyze the state of affairs; however, you have failed in everything.

The more I think you will be in the office a little longer, the more my heartbeat pounds in my chest with fear because nobody can predict the agony and suffering the common Ghanaians, are prepared to face, despite what they have already gone through.

Nana Akufo Addo, your leadership has become a nightmare. Ghanaians at home and the intelligent ones in the Diaspora can no longer accept your bad leadership; therefore, if possible you must step down or show that you are a competent leader.