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Opinions of Monday, 19 December 2016

Columnist: Adofo, Rockson

Your misfortune could be a blessing in disguise

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By Rockson Adofo

The bible is true when it says count every misfortune as a blessing. To us human beings, and in most cases, we find it difficult to endure misfortunes that come our way. However, if you are able to stand firm and manage very well such misfortunes, they will surely become blessings in the end.

A few instances in the lives of certain people where misfortunes had happened but eventually turned into blessings will be cited to encourage others to withstand misfortunes without ever giving up.

With endurance and fortitude, no matter how frightening the misfortune may be, one can overcome it; turning it into a blessing in the end.

Has our President-elect Nana Akufo Addo not needlessly encountered several misfortunes in his political life when he aspired to become the President of Ghana?

People like Mr. Kwadwo Mpianim, Dr. Anane, Dr. Arthur Kobina Kennedy, Dr. Nyaho Nyaho Tamakloe, Tarzan, Paul Afoko etc. maliciously turned against him. Many were his political rivals that turned against him with misfits like Salifu Maase, Anita De Sousa, Koku Anyidoho and Johnson Asiedu Nketiah heaping insults on him for no apparent reason.

He contested presidential elections three times. He was robbed of victory in the first two. What could be more serious misfortunes in the life of a politician than these? However, in all these, he stood firm and entrusted himself wholeheartedly into the hands of the God that he worships.

In the end, he is the first ever person to win Ghanaian’s presidential election resoundingly with such a huge percentage margin over his immediate opponent who surprisingly was a sitting president. Have we seen how his misfortunes have translated into a blessing with many Ghanaians and international leaders and organizations according him unqualified respect?

Now, Kwadwo Mpianim who vowed to ensure that Nana Akufo Addo never became a President is now shamelessly aspiring to court his favour in a crafty way.

Many a time have people encountered misfortunes in their marriages or relationships. Husbands or wives have broken the hearts of their partners but those who are able to weather such storms of misfortunes always come out with much better results to the envy of their absconded partners.

Let anyone who is currently facing any form of misfortune in their life believe that if Nana Akufo Addo could endure all the insults and attacks on his person, both spiritual and psychological, to become the most supported and loved president-elect in the history of Ghana, then they too can make it. It is all about believing in yourself that you can make it and surely, you will be able to turn whichever misfortune has befallen you into an enviable blessing.

Believe in American President Barrack Obama’s campaign slogan “Yes we can” and surely, no matter the enormity of your misfortune, you can turn it into a blessing.

This publication is directed at all those who currently have to deal with misfortunes in their lives. No condition is permanent so shall the misfortune not last forever.

All misfortunes if properly managed, are like the morning dew that dissipates with the rising Sun.

I dedicate this publication to one Angela Nkrumah for obvious reasons.