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Opinions of Saturday, 3 February 2018

Columnist: Justice Walker

ZYLOFON signing good and bad!!

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"It is my desire that you prosper amongst all other things" - Nana Appiah Mensah(CEO, Zylofon Media). He is a Ghanaian entrepreneur with a vision and drive to cause change in the status quo of the world's economy. This is translated in a proven in record of business successes and a passion to grow the personal economy of people globally. He earned his name "Nana" from his grandfather, a fanti chief. Originally in the Akan traditional cultural setting means a chief/king or elderly "wise" kinsmen.

This background, exposed him to a very early contact with gold,with uncles and other family members involved in gold dealership as a means of livelihood;as gold was the currency of royalty as a symbol of power, prestige and luxury. In 2013,he contributed greatly in the establishment of Menzgold Ghana Company Limited with the objective of "converting paper money to GOLD" - - A means to maintain real value and purchasing power, as a sure means to CREATE ONE'S OWN ECONOMY, which is void of external control;overly dependence on external factors that one do not have control over. Nana Appiah Mensah believes all rights can be summed as "right to life and of liberty" - - this means the right person to live a fulfilled life void of and kind of suppressing, which includes poverty, hunger, lack of basic needs as;Healthcare, food, shelter, education among others.

This means of scarcity in a fertile breeding ground of corruption, with its consequent effects on personal, corporate, national and world economy. His company Menzgold Ghana Limited, thereby seeks to correct the above artificial defeat by promoting economic freedom for all and sundry by presenting to the world a means to OWN THEIR LIVES. For a little over a year, he established Zylofon Media. It has become very popular in the country because of the immense investments into it. Arguably he is one of the richest men in Ghana. Nana Appiah Mensah fleet of cars, buildings plus even a private jet is nearly unmatchable by anyone else in the country. Menzgold Ghana Company Limited, Brew Marketing Ghana Company Limited, Brew Marketing Consult Company Limited, Menzgold Espana S.I, T.I.A Holdings(USA), Brew Energy Company Limited, Brew Reality Company Limited, Cheetah Security Company Limited and many more are to his credit. He is married and has a son.

Some Industry folks and people around are of the view, he is in hurry signing so many artists and introducing a lot of initiatives that requires huge cash of such a short time. Let me take you into some prospects below. Last Wednesday signing sparked a lot of controversy on social media and all over, that was the artist Shatta Wale,the self a claimed 'Dancehall King'. One that day, from Accra mall to East Lagon was blocked by the artist fans. They stormed the ceremony ground in their numbers, I was there myself and saw it with my eyes. The occasion was climaxed or live on both radio and television of the company with even repeats showing days after for those who might miss the real ceremony.

As a matter of fact and with all sincerity, if I was an already signed artiste signed on the label, would have felt bad or inferior. Yes Shatta Wale is a big act with no argument but what is good for the goose is good for the gander. Clearly whatever special treatment deserved by Shatta Wale, same should have been done to the others. My prayers are that, it will not enhance discrimination among the other artistes.

Another prospect I find it very intriguing is Bulldog and Shatta Wale comeback. Let's not behave like hypocrites. The relationship between manager Bulldog and Shatta Wale years ago cannot be repeated same here. Bull is now the artiste and reportoire manager at Zylofon, which shows clearly, he will take 'full' charge and responsibility of administrative activities of Shatta Wale. On a more clear note, he is going to manage the artiste again. The relationship between the two were superb. Ask if it can or is same as today, answer is NO. Their closeness was ruined all of a sudden to the extent of nude pictures of Bulldog's wife all over the place by Shatta Wale who released it--that was disgusting and bad of the artiste and is an experience anybody can easily not forget and is debatable.

Bulldog can forgive Shatta but to forget totally, well let me not exaggerate. There were pictures and news that, Nana Appiah Mensah has settled all differences between the two. That is/was great and Shatta can be forgiven for the insane acts being committed but to forget--THAT WILL BE HARD! MY fear and worry is that Bulldog may not give Shatta Wale the kind of love he gave him when he used to manage him in the past. Bulldog is not the owner of the entity but with his position, he has extraordinary 'power' that can and cannot make Shatta move forward.

Maybe my last prospect is the man, Willie Rio could spark problem(s) between the two great artistes at the entity namely Stonebwoy and Shatta Wale. One can easily deduce from speeches and utterances from him that he seems to "hate" Stonebwoy and "love" Shatta Wale. He is the music coach currently at Zylofon. He may have been an artiste's fan days ago but unfortunately or fortunately, he is now a manager at the entity. Heard somewhere he left the studios of Zylofon 102.1 FM when Stonebwoy went for an interview. As to reason(s) why such a formidable behavior was exhibited, I can't tell. There is a big rivalry between the two artistes which is evident vehemently between their fans on social media.

Again, his ranting sometimes is unnecessary just to say the few. His comportment level as a panel member on Entertainment Shows is annoying always. He criticizes and doesn't want to accept others criticisms. He rants and raises his voice at everyone including hosts on the particular show. I follow him on social media specifically Facebook and sometimes his posts are needless and won't contribute or in anyway promote the Entertainment industry to a better prospect. He calls himself "music inventor" and claims of having over 40 years experience in the Industry. Some of us expect better from him. He is now part of a reputable and respectable company and must desist from such actions and inactions. I PRAY HE LISTENS when been advised.

Permit me to end with this, my last prospects. Shatta Wale is an attention seeker. He drives unnecessary attention on himself sometimes. I must confess with all truth that, I personally love his talent and admire his contributions to the Industry,as well as his business mindset but he has flaws just as every human. He will come out to misbehave, do live videos to insult and tarnish people's reputation, and later come back to apologize. These and many more have kept his brand active till now. Any misfortunes he does at the entity of Zylofon will help promote his brand but discard the hardwork of even the company as a whole. My prayers are that, he will be talked to, to avoid such encounters in the coming years. Such news are good on some occasions in the Showbiz business but will and can end up being unnecessary. I pray he will refrain from such behaviors going forward at Zylofon for they don't need it.

On the other hand, no one can downplay the hardwork and the good works of Nana Appiah Mensah aka NAM1 despite the above listed points. The experience in the Industry over the years is a developmental craft of significantly changing lives and altering the structuring of the Entertainment sector deserve commendation. He is reported to have said somewhere that, he will fix the Entertainment Industry. From what he has done, is so clear he has visions and aspiration to make things happen in a better way. He has employed over 3,000 personal across the country, an avenue in building strong and better economy. He currently has every hole covered in an Industry that has been in such a haphazard state for years and in filling holes positively.

I pray and wish to see a 'positive' change in the Industry with Shatta Wale's career - Zylofon should help push his brand to the international scene. Obibini and Kumi Guitar are not seen out there, Zylofon should work harder for these artists before any more signing.