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Opinions of Thursday, 24 April 2014

Columnist: Agyemang, Katakyie Kwame Opoku

.. on Alan's so-called Resignation

Setting the Records Straight on Alan's so-called Resignation

It must be noted that, Alan Kyerematen has never OFFICIALLY RESIGNED from the NPP as being speculated by some people. For those who doubt it, please go to the NPP National Secretariat and help yourself. What Alan has done is a verbal resignation from the party which is normal with all politicians.

Like Jesus Christ, Alan has always stood behind his supporters. In 2007, he received several complaints from his supporters some ranging from insults, victimisation, and physical abuses. Alan didn't want to pursue his personal interest at the expense of the ordinary Ghanaian. As a leader, he had to act and act faster looking at the enormity of the problem. Hence, Alan sacrificed his personal ambition by temporary resigning from the party verbally. This verbal message had the potency to quell the tension between Nana Addo's supporters and his own in that particular year. This saved the NPP from collapse in 2007.

It was against this backdrop that Alan was approached by Nana Akufo-Addo in the 2008 presidential run-off to help him maximise the votes in Ashanti Region. We all saw how Nana Addo's votes in Ashanti increased during the second round of Election 2008.

It must also be noted that by the NPP's Constitution, whoever officially resigns from the party must wait for at least five (5) good years before the person can contest the Party's Presidential Primaries. However, it was evident that Alan Kyerematen was a strong contender in the 2010 NPP primaries and placed second among the five contestants. The question then is, why was Alan Cash permitted to buy a nomination form, file, be vetted, campaign, and contest the position of flagbearership, if indeed he resigned from the party in 2007?

It therefore saddens my heart anytime I hear people argue that Alan resigned so he is not loyal etc. These people easily forget that in 1979, Nana Akufo-Addo joined his uncle, Mr. William Ofori-Atta (Paa Willie) not only to resign from the Popular Front Party (PFP), but also form a new political party known as the United National Convention (UNC).

What was more serious about Nana Addo and his uncle's resignation was that, they threw their weight behind Dr. Liman and his People's National Party (PNP) when Election 1979 went for run-off. As a result, Mr. Victor Owusu, who stood on the ticket of PFP missed the opportunity of winning power for the UP Tradition. We had to wait for three decades before Kufuor won power for us.

Now, between the two resignations, Alan's and William Ofori-Atta/Akufo-Addo's, which one was more damaging politically to the UP Tradition, and which of the two personalities is more loyal to the cause of the NPP?

I'll therefore urge all those who want to use Alan's so-called resignation against him to put a stop to it before we equally respond to such baseless accusations.

Think Alan! Think Victory!!

Katakyie Kwame Opoku Agyemang, Asante Bekwai-Asakyiri
(Free SHS Ambassador)

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