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Hassan Ayariga

All People's Congress

All People's Congress


Hassan Ayariga has a remarkable record of leadership and experience in business that embodies an unwavering passion and commitment to service. Hassan was born on 4th September 1971 in Bawku in the Upper East Region of Ghana.

His father Frank Abdulai Ayariga was a member of parliament for the Bawku constituency during the third republic administration of Dr. Hilla Limann and his mother Anatu Ayariga, a businesswoman, whose passion for child education in the then impoverished northern sector of Ghana, made her stand her ground to ensure all her children and those in the community were educated.

Hassan grew up partly in Accra and Bawku before settling in Nigeria when his parents went into Exile after the overthrow of the Limann Administration. All through his childhood, his p...

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