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Akua Donkor

Ghana Freedom Party

Ghana Freedom Party


Akua Donkor is a Ghanaian politician, founder, and leader of the Ghana Freedom Party (GFP).

She was born in February 1952 and hails from Afigya Kwabre District in the Ashanti Region of Ghana. She is a cocoa farmer by profession. She is not known to have had any formal education.

Madam Donkor was elected assemblywoman for Herman, a step towards achieving her ambition of being the president of Ghana. Her ambition to be president is evident in the 2012 polls where she applied to contest as an independent candidate.

However she was barred by the electoral commission. Madam Donkor on the other hand does not agree with the decision. In her view, she should be addressed as Her Excellency though she was disqualified. Her party, Ghana Freedom Party has its headquarters situated in Kabu in...

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GFP In the News
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