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Health News of Tuesday, 26 March 2013


Source: ARHR

Patients in rural areas afraid of health workers

The fear of victimisation by health workers has been identified as a major reason why patients fail to report the substandard medical service experienced by them in many rural areas, according to the Alliance for Reproductive Health Rights (ARHR).

The organisation is embarking on a programme, funded by STAR-Ghana, which will gives citizens a voice when it comes to poor treatment by hospitals.

Mrs. Mariatu Seidu, a senior midwife attending the launch meeting of the programme, said that patients do not complain as they are scared they will be victimised later by health officials when they return to the hospital. She said the situation is so bad that the patients prefer suffering in pain than getting their grievances resolved by hospital administration.

District Health Director of Juabaso, Dr. Francis Amissah, who was also a participant, corroborated the the Mrs Seidu's story. He said there is an impression that their lives depend on the doctors and nurses so if they make any complaints, their lives will be made unbearable.

Dr. Asiamah however indicated that while fear prevents the people from going to the complaints desks, illiteracy is also a barrier as they are unable to write their complaints.

He expressed optimism that the accountability project will encourage more people to let hospital officials know their grievances.

Gilbert Germain, a participant and the Executive Director of Young & Lonely Foundation, a community-based organisation (CBO) in Agona East, registered his displeasure at the attitude of some health workers who are tarnishing the image of health personnel. He thanked STAR-Ghana and the ARHR for the project and indicated that he is hopeful it will achieve its intended aim.

Mrs Dela Kokroko Gle, programmes manager of ARHR, said: “We hope that when we do this, we can improve access to quality health services for all Ghanaians through greater accountability and responsiveness in health service delivery.

“We are determined to increase community involvement in health sector governance with an ombudsman mechanism at District Assemblies for reporting and feedback."

The project will be undertaken in two districts in the Central Region (KEEA and Agona East) and two others in the Western Region (Shama and Juaboso). Evidence from women of reproductive age and youth groups at the grassroots level will be collected to inform strategies, resource deployment and decision making on the project.

Aside the CSOs, the project will involve the Ministry of Health, the Ghana Health Service and the District Health Management Teams as well as the Department of Social Welfare.