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Abraham Amaliba

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Date of Birth:
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Abraham Amaliba is a private legal practitioner and a member of the communication and legal teams of the National Democratic Congress (NDC).

He obtained a Bachelor’s Degree in Education and a Diploma in History from the University of Cape Coast. He also has a Law Degree from the Universty of Ghana and was called to the bar in 1997.

Abraham Amaliba was a Legal and Programmes Officer at the Legal Resources Centre in Ghana. He is currently a private legal practitioner with the Centre for Public Interest Law.

He has worked as a part time lecturer at various universities including Valley View University, University of Professional Studies and Maranatha University.

Mr. Abraham Amaliba has coordinated a team of project officers at the Legal Resources Centre to execute and implement a European Union project under the theme “capacity building for effective civil society participation in local governance”. Under this project, he led a team that facilitated support to civil society organizations. He represents the Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning on the PBC Board of Directors.

From 1998 to 2002, he was a curator for the Ghana Museum & Monuments Board.