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Hopeson Adorye

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Date of Birth:
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Hopeson Yaovi Adorye is a widely recognized politician and the former Member of Parliament for the Kpone Katamansu constituency.

He comes from the Volta region of Ghana.

Hopeson Adorye is married to the well-celebrated Gospel Musician, Gifty Osei. Popularly known as Empress Gifty. The hitmaker of "Aseda".

According to Empress Gifty, she got divorced in 2016 and met her current husband, Hopeson Adorye three years later.

Though they have no children yet, they are happily married. Recently, Hopeson Adorye made it to the trend list after exposing the popular social media celebrity Twene Jonas.

In recent videos posted by Hopeson, he has been recognized for làmbàsting Twene Jonas and exposing the fake lifestyle he lives in America.

In relation to this, he has urged young men in Ghana to pay less attention to the flashy lifestyle he portrays on social media because they are not realistic.