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Politics of Friday, 20 April 2018


Source: Solomon Owusu

Appoint men of integrity to spearhead elections – NPP Canada Chairman

Some NPP supporters at a rally Some NPP supporters at a rally

The chairman of the Canada branch of the New Patriotic Party (NPP), Mr. Kwame Abrefa has reprimanded all the other external branch executives to emulate their strategy which led to ensuring legitimate, reasonable and transparent elections.

In his speech, the Canada executives selected highly motivated, dignified and trustworthy members who command respect in their various communities to spearhead the electoral process and the entire congress arrangements.

He believes that if the various branch executives across the world appoint people with integrity to oversee the diaspora elections, all forms of confusions before, during and after elections will be curtailed. He made these pronouncements during a radio interview on Amenado Radio in Denver, Colorado, USA.

Speaking to the host of the political show, Solomon Owusu, popularly known as Citizen Vigilante or Julius Malema, the chairman explained why there were no infightings or chaos among members in NPP-Canada branch during their election processes.

to him, the outgone administration appointed three highly respected personalities, who would not compromise with their integrity, to form the electoral commission team.

“Solomon, we appointed people of high integrity who command respect to handle the election process. They are Rev. Kenneth Korsah, the Ghana-Anglican priest in Toronto as the chairman, Dr. Kwame Boadu, a professor based in Vancouver and Nana Duah, a founding member of NPP-Montreal Chapter.

If you put the right people in place to champion the cause, it makes the work easier”, he narrated.

NPP-Canada members conducted their branch's electoral process at a congress last Saturday in a peaceful, free, fair and transparent manner.

The delegates completed the program with a thanksgiving service at the Ghana-Anglican Church in Toronto. The then incumbent chairman, Mr. Abrefa availed himself to be contested by other two prominent people without intimidating or provoking these opponents, because he knew he had worked hard for the branch and gave the mandate to the people to decide.

There hasn't been any alarm raised on any form of financial malfeasance during his term as a chairman. Mr. Abrefa is a confident, selfless and honest leader who believes in accountability.

Unlike some leaders whose purposes are to lead and get opportunities to be appointed by the president, he never planned to take any appointment in Ghana after the party won power in 2016.

Instead, he decided to stay abroad, help build a strong branch and help the government with ideas when the needs arise. This is a true leader Ghana needs to build the nation in the nearest future.

The delegates retained their indefatigable, well educated, open-minded, selfless and hardworking chairman, Kwame Abrefa, to lead them again for the next four years. On the same program, the hardworking congress planning committee chairman and the new national organizer, Mr. Samuel Asirifi shared similar sentiments with Mr. Abrefa and thanked all members for the smooth elections. Ghana’s High Commissioner to Canada, Lawyer Ayikoi Otoo, sworn-in the newly elected branch executives immediately after the elections.

Kwame is renowned lawyer in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, and well respected among his peers and the entire Ghanaian community in Canada. The chairman beseeched all the defeated candidates to ward off any bitter feeling and support the new executives to succeed in the interest of the party.

He further pleaded to the National Executive Committee (NEC) in Ghana to ensure a uniform election guideline for all the external branches to follow. “This can help avoid situations where some leaders make certain rules, purposely to favour their bids to win elections”, he said. He used the opportunity to thank all the delegates and the entire NPP-Canada members for re-electing him with an overwhelming victory.