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Politics of Wednesday, 29 April 2020



‘Electoral conflict-prone’ Sam George, others plunging Ghana into ‘unspeakable chaos’ - MAC

Atik Mohammed Atik Mohammed

The Executive Secretary of the Mass Action Committee (MAC) has strongly condemned some acts of violence by the Member of Parliament (MP) for Ningo Prampram and his accomplices who nearly disrupted a meeting by the Electoral Commission (EC) held on April 25, 2020.

MAC says it intends to "petition the Inspector General of Police to cause an investigation to be conducted into the matter and those found culpable dealt with according to law."

The workshop for Directors and Deputy Directors held at the Escape Hotel in Prampram formed part of the Commission’s preparation towards the compilation of a new voters’ register.

Sam George had earlier secured an injunction, restraining the Electoral Commission from holding the workshop in his constituency.

The change of venue for the meeting to a hotel in Accra was however reportedly marred by near-violence under the leadership of the Ningo-Prampram Legislator, leading to its premature closure.

This is what has compelled the MAC Executive Secretary, Atik Mohammed, to issue a statement and copied to slamming the conduct of the NDC MP saying his action does not only "offend the laws of Ghana, but also have the tendency to plunge our dear country into unspeakable chaos".

While calling on authorities to immediately round up all perpetrators in that unlawful exercise, the pressure group also reproached the outspoken MP for his propensity to engage in matters that oftentimes degenerate into electoral conflict.

"To the extent that these actions violate our laws, we demand that the police administration arrest and prosecute the perpetrators. In making this demand, we are minded by the fact that, Ghana is ruled by law and not men. To this end, we will be petitioning the Inspector General of Police to cause an investigation to be conducted into the matter and those found culpable dealt with according to law....

"....Meanwhile, we observe that the involvement of Mr. Sam George in matters that unfortunately eventually degenerate into electoral conflict is becoming trendy. We like to admonish him as a Member of Parliament, to rethink his approaches to issues of electoral concern whiles drawing the attention of our security agencies to this fact," portions of the statement read.

Read full statement

1. The Mass Action Committee has noted with concern, actions of some individuals including Members of Parliament that do not only appear to offend the laws of Ghana, but also have the tendency to plunge our dear country into unspeakable chaos. It was reported on Saturday 25th April, 2020 that, a group of supporters allegedly belonging to the NDC led by one Hon. Sam George, thronged the City Escape Hotel ostensibly to disrupt an ongoing meeting by the Electoral Commission.

2. The said meeting we understand, was one of the routine meetings the Commission holds prior to major events on their calendar. To this end, the commission felt no need to request the presence of security officials. In conducting this meeting also, the Commission we are told, was mindful of the safety protocols as were announced by the President and therefore, same were observed during the meeting.

3. However, unbeknown to the Commission, a group of people led by the MP for Ningo Prampram and the NDC Parliamentary Candidate for the Ayawaso West Wuogon Consituency, exploited the absence of security personnel to mass up at the venue issuing all kinds of threats and demanding that, the Commission halts the meeting. We find these actions repugnant and should not be allowed to go unanswered.

4. It is the view of MAC that, the mob’s presence at the meeting venue and their ensuing actions posed a danger to the safety of the EC officials. We further contend that, these actions could have degenerated into chaos but for the timely arrival of the police and national security officials. To the extent that these actions violate our laws, we demand that the police administration arrest and prosecute the perpetrators. In making this demand, we are minded by the fact that, Ghana is ruled by law and not men. To this end, we will be petitioning the Inspector General of Police to cause an investigation to be conducted into the matter and those found culpable dealt with according to law.

5. We like to also suggest that, the Electoral Commission engages with the security agencies for adequate provision of security during their meetings and activities, be they routine or otherwise.

6. Meanwhile, we observe that the involvement of Mr. Sam George in matters that unfortunately eventually degenerate into electoral conflict is becoming trendy. We like to admonish him as a Member of Parliament, to rethink his approaches to issues of electoral concern whiles drawing the attention of our security agencies to this fact.

7. Our democracy was fought for and consolidated through the blood and toil of many patriots and we dare not invest that. In this regard, we call on all Ghanaians to disavow and shame any person or group of persons as they have always done, whose actions for whatever motive(s) seek to derail our democratic efforts and cause a relapse.

God bless our homeland Ghana and make her great and strong!!

SIGNED Atik Mohammed (Executive Secretary)