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Politics of Wednesday, 10 January 2024



Exit of 18 NPP MPs could threaten Parliament’s capacity – Ahmed Ibrahim warns

First Deputy Minority Whip, Ahmed Ibrahim First Deputy Minority Whip, Ahmed Ibrahim

The upcoming primaries of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) could have significant ramifications for Ghana’s Parliament, according to the First Deputy Minority Whip, Ahmed Ibrahim.

With 18 incumbent NPP MPs choosing not to seek re-election, the loss of institutional memory and expertise poses a serious challenge.

Comparing the NPP situation to the recent NDC primaries where 18 MPs were also ousted, Ahmed Ibrahim expressed concern about the trend of experienced lawmakers leaving Parliament.

He pointed specifically to the departure of Osei Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu, a veteran politician trained by the legendary JH Mensah, as a potential blow to Parliament’s capacity.

“The exit of Osei Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu who was trained by J.H Mensah, are you saying it is not going to have a negative impact on parliament, it will. As for representation, you will get somebody to represent you but as for replacement, you cannot replace the institutional memory and capacity of the exiting MP and that is how parliament is going to be negatively affected. We take you, invest in you, and throw you out.”

He further argued that the government’s underutilization of experienced MPs contributes to their decision to leave. Citing examples like Joe Ghartey and Kwame Anyimadu-Antwi, Ibrahim highlighted their wasted potential and lack of meaningful roles within the government.

“You see Joe Ghartey, you see Kwame Anyimadu-Antwi which post is he holding, zero. Joe Ghartey which post is he holding, zero. I can mention the names of the seniors to you. Joe Ghartey was a former Attorney General and a former deputy speaker but he is there, his party is not using him so he sees himself as being underutilised. And do you think that when that happens he will contest again, he will not.”

“Kwame Anyimadu-Antwi was a law lecturer from Tech, he is here, they left him and took a first-timer as an Attorney General, Deputy Attorney General in those days. Anyimadu-Antwi is still there, a law lecturer, with 16 years in parliament.

Ibrahim urged the government to take proactive steps to retain experienced MPs and tap into their expertise. He emphasized the importance of recognizing their contributions and offering them roles that utilize their skills and knowledge.