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Politics of Saturday, 14 July 2018



Keep quiet if you can't help make the economy better - John Boadu descends on minority

John Boadu, General Secretary of NPP John Boadu, General Secretary of NPP

Newly elected General Secretary of the ruling New Patriotic Party [NPP], John Boadu has asked members of the opposition NDC to desist from complaining and agitating on every governmental project.

He has asked them to rather speak positive and wish the government well, as they bring on board good policies to move the country forward.

Referring to complains by the minority in parliament and members of the NDC, he noted that “the majority should just keep quiet for they don’t know how to run an economy better than we do. We came with a good conscience to make the strength of the cedi hold for longer periods than we have ever expected and experienced in this country”.

John Boadu in an exclusive interview with UTV’s ‘Adekye Nsroma’ programme, expressed how worried government is at the rate of depreciation of the cedi.

According to him things would have been worst in terms of the cedi depression should NDC had continue to be in power.

He said they were the only government in power who paid contractors in excess and also lent money to businessmen with no interest.

“I tell you the NDC cannot offer this nation one-third of the projects we have so far embarked on, and pressing on to do more even though our internally generated funds are preventing us,” he said.

To him, the minority members of Parliament sometimes intentionally make comments just to provoke them on matters that would veer them off their course.

“In fact, we have advised ourselves not to follow their propagandist ways but remain focused, since we know they will definitely perform their duties as the largest opposition party seeking to come back to power,” he said.

He said, they have advised themselves to talk less but act more, since their actions will do the talking more and better than their mouths.