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Politics of Monday, 2 August 2004


Source: Chronicle

More defections hit NDC

... 33 activists cross over to NPP

Koforidua -- The kingdom of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) is tottering in the Eastern Region, as its followers keep defecting to the New Patriotic Party (NPP) day after day. For instance, 33 staunch NDC party activists who had planned and programmed for the party?s successes in the Abuakwa North constituency, have defected to the NPP.

Most of the 33 defectors were found out to be NDC ward chairmen, secretaries, organizers, foot soldiers as well as verandah boys and girls who were all activists who had campaigned for the NDC in the Abuakwa constituency, which has now been divided into Abuakwa North and South constituencies.

At a short ceremony in Kukurantumi to enable them announce their defection from the NDC, most of them made it plain that they had been convinced by the good works of the NPP government and the president and thought they had to come and give the party their push to help it achieve more.

As to whether, when in the NDC they still could not support the NPP government, they answered that it could be done but not as completely as fully fledged party supporters who could go to the public to explain the government?s policies to them. They asked: ?How can we do that in opposition party??

Welcoming the defectors, the Abuakwa North NPP Chairman, Mr. Douglas Michael Asare observed that their aim in branching to the NPP was to bring about development to the constituency for all to enjoy life, irrespective of party affiliation.

He promised to unite all political parties to ensure that whatever steps were taken to bring about development.

According to the NPP constituency chairman, party politics was conducted by the masses and it had to spread or expand, hence the need for NPP supporters and defectors alike to extend their tentacles wide to catch enough supporters to enable the NPP win the seat.

Mr. Asare, therefore, charged the defectors to be truthful and honest in discharging their duties to enable all live in comfort.

The spokesman for the defectors, Alhaji Sumaila Salifu, who was the NDC polling station chairman for the Dar es Salaam electoral area, cited neglect by their mother party as their main cause for defecting since they had not been neglected by the NPP.

Madam Aabla Aneiku, a trader, praised the government for constructing more roads that were motorable, which had made traveling more comfortable and less dangerous. She cited the bettering of the Sogakope road in particular as her main reason for joining the NPP.

Addressing the defectors, the parliamentary candidate for Abuakwa North, Mr. Joseph Boakye Danquah (Junior) stated that their primary aim was to rope in everyone into governance, to improve on their living conditions in the constituency.

J.B. Danquah promised to do whatever he could to set up an industry in the constituency to bring about development and to turn it into the Bantama of the Eastern Region for the NPP.

All the 33 NDC defectors who had come from various electoral areas, donned the campaign T-shirts of J.B. Danquah after the ceremony and paraded on the streets of Kukurantumi.

150 More NDC members defect to NPP ... As Gloria Akuffo wins primaries

About one hundred and fifty members of the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC) in the Shai/Osudoku Constituency on Saturday joined the defection train en route to the camp of the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP) as the Deputy Attorney General and Minister of Justice, Ms. Gloria Akuffo was declared the NPP Parliamentary candidate for the December 2004 general election for the area. The defection came as the NDC was launching its revised edition of the party?s 2000 Manifesto in Kumasi, Ghana?s second city.

Political observers at the local congress told The Chronicle that 150 members defecting from a party at such a rural level endangers the NDC?s capacity to retain the seat.

Overwhelmed by the highly charged atmosphere, which was characterized by jubilation, the NPP National Organiser, Lord Commey declared: ?We will beat NDC this year and after we have finished with them they will find it very difficult to re-group.?

?They will disintegrate,? he added as he took his turn to address party supporters.

The defectors, wearing T-shirts with Ms. Akuffo?s portrait and led by Mr. Jonas Bueruer, an NDC youth executive in the constituency, marched in the room, where the primary was being held at the compound of the World Vision at Dodowa.

They announced their defection minutes after Mr. Samuel Ayettey, the only contestant remaining in the race against the deputy minister, declared that he had finally decided to step down from the competition and rally support for Ms. Akuffo.

?We have come to join the NPP to support Gloria win the seat,? Bueruer said, as the jubilant NPP supporters replaced his NDC paraphernalia with NPP ones.

There were other local NDC officials invited to the congress but they did not declare what their intentions were.

The Shai/Osudoku Constituency is made up of two traditional areas, Shai and Osudoku. Months of internal bickering and accusations among the NPP supporters characterized events leading to the primary.

Out of the three male contestants who filed their nomination alongside Ms. Akuffo, Mr. Ayettey was the only one who had vowed not to step aside for the female candidate despite being informed that it was the party?s desire that a woman be given the slot.

However, Mr. Ayettey stepped down just before the balloting could begin, thanks to Madam Hawa Yakubu, whose last minute diplomatic maneuvering changed the situation.

?All over I fought; from the Castle to the region and to the constituency, that I was not stepping down; the battle even continued till yesterday night when the DCE came to inform me about women affairs and this morning Madam Hawa called me?she talked to me and because she talked to me I am now stepping down.? Mr. Ayettey said.

Mr. Ayettey, who hails from Shai said although he was aware of the pressure that party officials wanted a lady to occupy the seat, he filed his nomination because he also wanted to represent his traditional area, but now he had to put personal interest aside for the sake of his party and the president.

Although the retired educationist, said he had willingly yielded to advice from Madam Hawa Yakubu, whom he described as a mother, his emotions showed evidence that he was not happy to opt out of the race.

This was captured in Madam Yakubu?s statement: ?Today?s event has been successful for two things, one God and two Samuel Ayettey?It is he who is leaving this place with a heavy heart.?

?If it wasn?t for him, today we will probably be leaving this room divided, some supporters of Gloria may have been happy or not, some of his supporters may have been threatening and Shai would have become a problem to this party,? she said.

In a victory message after she was officially declared the party?s candidate, Ms. Akuffo thanked the delegates and all party members and pledged to work with the other contestants and party supporters to ensure that the NPP won the seat.

She acknowledged that the event was just a primary and that the major task was ahead, but she was confidence that with the kind of support she was receiving from the constituency the party was poised to win the seat.

In his address earlier Lord Commey warned the party members to put away personal interest and put Ghana first.

He said it was time that the people of Shai/Osudoku appreciated the good works of the NPP in their area and vote massively for the party.

On the defection, he told The Chronicle after the programme that the NPP had seen a lot of stage managed defections in the past and was not enthused about announcing each number of defections.