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Politics of Thursday, 16 August 2018



NPP Dombo Youth condemns attacks on TTH CEO

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The Dombo Youth Association, a young wing of the NPP has strongly condemned in no uncertain terms the attacks on the Chief Executive Officer of the Tamale Teaching Hospital, Dr. David Akolbila by NPP youth allegedly affiliated with the Kandahar Boys, Monday.

The group said, they were totally taking aback when the NPP youth in carrying out their atrocious act on the TTH CEO claimed they were representing a coalition of NPP concern youth, reiterated that, the CEO’s attackers does not any way represent the views of any other NPP youth group in Tamale.

In a press release signed by the Secretary of the Dombo Youth Association, Mr. Bawa Mahamud and copied to distance themselves from the lawlessness of the NPP youth.

The NPP youth group believed that, the youth carried out the monstrous attacks for their own selfish interest and that of their paymasters and not in the larger interest of the party youth in the Tamale metropolis.

“This group we believe are being influenced by faceless individuals in the Teaching Hospital to maliciously tarnish the good image of the hardworking CEO who has tirelessly dedicated himself in putting the hospital back to shape since he took over from his predecessor. We are also aware of the several measures put in place by the CEO to ensure that the hospital works again considering its deplorable state before his assumption into office as we were hearing in the media”. The release said

Read below the Press Release

Press Release

The attack on the CEO of Tamale Teaching Hospital by the so called concerned NPP coalition youth group is totally unacceptable

We the Dombo Youth Association as a group of the NPP was totally taking aback on Monday morning when the news broke out that a youth group claiming to be representing a coalition of NPP concern youth groups attacked and closed down the office of Dr David Zaawumya Kolbila CEO of the Tamale Teaching Hospital.

It is our believe that the group carried out the attack in their own selfish interest and that of their paymasters and not in the larger interest of the party and other youth groups as claimed. Dombo Youth is stating unequivocally that this group does not in any way represent the views of any other youth group in Tamale including our group and we hereby distance ourselves from such lawlessness.

This group we believe are being influenced by faceless individuals in the Teaching Hospital to maliciously tarnish the good image of the hardworking CEO who has tirelessly dedicated himself in putting the hospital back to shape since he took over from his predecessor. We are also aware of the several measures put in place by the CEO to ensure that the hospital works again considering its deplorable state before his assumption into office as we were hearing in the media.

There hasn’t been any such media report on complains of shortages of consumables particularly oxygen which was always an issue at the hospital for years. Our checks has also revealed that upon his assumption to office, the CEO prioritizes the stabilization of water supply by investing in a dedicated pipeline to the hospital and also procuring 3 high powered water pumps to redistribute water to all parts of the hospital which has helped in solving the water problem of the hospital and many other things that cannot be mentioned because of time and space.

These are the things any responsible Ghanaian should be concern with because they are the very core activities that will help the Nana Addo government achieve its mandate. We are not by this saying that people should not criticize or express their reservations about any government appointee including the CEO but we must do that devoid of this rancor and blatant disrespect to the appointing authority of the president.

Additionally, we want urge any individual within the hospital who has concerns over the management and administration of the hospital by CEO to use the right channels in addressing their grievance instead of pushing people from outside the hospital to do their bid.

We are therefore using this medium to appeal to all NPP youth groups in the northern region and beyond to join our call to support the hardworking CEO to deliver on his mandate.

Long live Ghana! Long live the NPP

Thank you.

Signed: Bawa Mahamud


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