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Politics of Thursday, 19 May 2005


Source: The Vanguard

Plot To Oust NDC Scribe

The Vanguard has uncovered a plot by some top-notch NDC members to boot out the party's acting General Secretary, Mr Bede Ziedeng from his position.

Reliable sources close to the largest opposition party's national headquarters hinted that plans were far advanced to ensure the removal of Bede from office and also to make sure he is disgraced if he attempts to contest for the position in the up-coming September congress of the party.

The reasons behind the move, according to the sources, stems from a long list of allegations and accusations. One of the reasons says the acting scribe's attitude towards the party has changed tremendously. It said Bede Ziedeng used to be a humble and hardworking man who used to have the well being of the party at heart. "His altitude towards work has totally changed for the worse" said a source at the headquarters.

According to the information, Bede Ziedeng is rather using his office to amass wealth instead of using his capacity to keep the Kufuor administration on its toes. In recent times, the General Secretary-ship of the NDC has become a hot seat. In the run-up to the 2004 general elections, the former holder of the office, Dr Nii Armah Josiah Aryeh, got involved in a rather bizarre circumstance. He allegedly met certain top NPP officials and discussed his frustrations in the NDC and plans to switch camp to the elephant family and to mitigate his social cost of adjustment he allegedly received an amount of $3,000 from the NPP to cushion his fall.

When the matter came out, Dr Josiah Aryeh vehemently denied it until a tape recording of the said meeting was played on the airwaves by some Accra based FM stations. Consequently, he was suspended from the ZU-ZA family as the General Secretary while a committee was set up by the party to investigate the matter.

This created a vacuum and as a result, Mr Bede Ziedeng, then Deputy General Secretary in charge of administration stepped into his shoes. Even though the committee has not come out with its findings yet indications are that, Dr Josiah Aryeh may be indicated and sacked from the party. The NDC has some few months before going to congress to elect executives to steer the affairs of the party.

And according to analysts, the delay in the outcome of the committee's findings is a serious concern. However, the nation's number one loose talker, Dr Joe Tony Aidoo's diarrhea of words has gone from bad to worse as he has been talking since. In his wisdom, the NDC acted wrongly in suspending Dr Josiah Aryeh for the alleged misconduct.