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Politics of Thursday, 4 November 2004


Source: Lens

Prof Mills Tour of the Communities Up North

The NDC flagbearer, Prof. Atta-Mills was on a 9-day tour of the Brong Ahafo, Northern, Upper East, and Upper West regions.

In every community, town, or village that Prof. Mills stopped, he made it a point to pay courtesy calls on the headman or chief, which greatly endeared the Prof. to the people as he has demonstrated his respect for their leaders and traditional authorities.

At Debre in the Northern region, after Prof. Mills had called On the Debrewura, Chief Braimah Cheregu, a young woman was overheard in English "When others are overseeing the killing of traditional authorities, Prof. Mills is displaying respect for that institution by showing respect to our Chief."

The Debrewura promised to pray for him to win because having heard so much about Prof. Mills and his achievements, including all the lies and negative propaganda put out by his opponents to destroy his image, and having been a living witness to developments in this country over the last thirty years, he is convinced Prof. Mills and the NDC are equal to the task of lifting the people of this country from the abject poverty that is confronting them now.

At Bosunu, Prof. Mills called on Bosunuwura. Nugbaso II, who complained about the cessation of development in his area in the last four years, and expressed the confidence that with Prof. Mills and the NDC coming to power developmental projects that were on-going in the area before the NDC left office would be reactivated.

Later at a rally, the people thronged the venue and it was all Prof. Mills' security personnel and the local police could do to contain the situation.

During an interaction with the people of Kpalbe, one of the opinion leaders of the community said they are confident that Prof. Mills would not be like some presidents who once they are voted into office forget about the people and go globetrotting only to remember to come to the people in an election year to canvass them for their votes.

"I can assure the people of this country that mine is going to be a government of humility based on truth, and transparency. I have stated elsewhere that we would use our embassies and ambassadors as much as possible so as to reduce official travels and cut down on expenditure. You can count on that," Prof. Mills assured.

At Salaga, Prof. Mills commissioned a new constituency office and also addressed a large rally. He also called on Baba Kamara's family. Baba Kamara was one of the persons whose name featured prominently as a possible running-mate to Prof. Mills.

At Kpandai the people decried the hardship they are going through, and pled with Prof. Mills not to abandon them. The chief of Kpandai, Nana Ayadon Atosah the III, appealed to Prof. to come to the aid of his people when voted to power.

At Ekundi, Prof. Mills interacted with the people and introduced the parliamentary for the area, Hon. Likpalimor Kojo Tawiah to the people.

At Lungni in the east Gonja District, Chamba, Bimbilla and Lepusi all in the Bimbilla constituency where the people were carring candles and lanterns to tell Prof. Mills that fuel prices are too exorbitant and therefore unaffordable to them.

At Bimbilla, Two Hundred and fifty people defected from the NPP to join the NDC. A spokesman for the defectors Alhassan Burihadi Kabo said they had defected because Pres. Kufuor has disappointed them in what he told them in 2000 when seeking for power.

Prof. Mills continued his tour to the Saboba District and told the people that nobody needs to remind him of their bad Road when he assumes power he also introduced the parliamentary candidate for the area Hon. Nanyon Bilijo to the people.