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Politics of Wednesday, 10 August 2011


Source: Gyamerah, Appau

We Won’t Allow You To Sell Our Party - CPP

For too long, we have heard some section of faceless persons and unknown groups making suggestions to the effect that the CPP must shelve the idea of electing a presidential candidate for the 2012 elections, but rather, focus on fielding and supporting parliamentary candidates for the general elections. This mischief being propagated by some people is what we consider as reckless assumptions and unfortunate proposition. As weird as these suggestions may sound, it is important to reiterate that there cannot be any base without the top and vice-versa. Both the Presidential and the Parliamentary quota of our democratic requirement must move concurrently to ensure the ascendency of any political party. The CPP is no exception to this rule. Some of us are of the view that the 1996 alliance between the PCP and the NPP whereby the PCP did not field a Presidential Candidate strengthened the NPP and weakened the CPP front. This cannot be repeated.
Not long ago, a group calling itself Sankofa Convention Movement came out with a similar statement, stating that “all Nkrumaist families, most especially the CPP, must rally their support behind President Mills in 2012, and also support Samia Nkrumah, who has expressed her desire to contest for chairperson of the Convention Peoples Party. Similarly, the 2008 Parliamentary candidate for Aburi-Nsawam Constituency has also come out to assert that the CPP must stay out of Presidential polls, but also advocated for the election of Samia Nkrumah as the Chairperson of the party. Considering the bearish comparative scenarios surrounding these declarations, we are forced to believe that Samia Nkrumah and her cohorts are on the move to sell the party to the NDC.
There have also been claims that some persons in the CPP are being sponsored by some opposition political parties to take up National Positions in the upcoming Delegates congress, so as to push their agenda through, considering the crucial nature of the 2012 elections. We are therefore, calling on all true CPP members to stand up to the test of time and ensure that the very individuals who have been planted as stooges or puppets to act in the interest of other political parties, with the expressed purpose of derailing the progress of the party, be uprooted with immediate effect.
We are aware of the shivering ambiance which has in recent times caught the attention of some of the political parties. The NPP and the NDC knowing that they have performed abysmally during their terms in office and failed the good people of this nation, are pulling off several tactics to discredit the CPP as a formidable party, since they know Ghanaians will vote massively against them. The political feeling of this nation is gradually changing and it is becoming quite glaring that the CPP has become very attractive and the likely option for the electorates. The CPP detractors have therefore decided to employ ways and means of using people from within to kill the cause of the people’s will to elect another alternative to the NPP/NDC.
We are aware of many adulterated persons in the CPP, who have put on the ‘Nkrumah Face’, thereby deceiving party folks of their true identity. They have become puppets and emblems of disgrace for the manipulation of the TWO major political parties to serve their interest. They are not what they appear to be.
It is therefore improper, for anyone to think or suggest that the CPP cannot win elections in 2012, even when signs of change and independent opinion polls are pitching the CPP in a winning position. The greater part of all mischief in the world arises from the fact that some party members do not sufficiently understand their own aims.
If Mr. Isaac Opare Addo is not prepared to contest for MP then we would advice him not to attempt, because the CPP is in for all seriousness in 2012. We need candidates who are prepared and able to raise the needed resources and logistics otherwise we shall go and come back with a lone ranger in parliament again. What Mr. Addo and his likes should be doing is intensify their efforts at fundraising so that they can contribute meaningfully to a spirited parliamentary and presidential campaign of the party and jettison the idea of doing the bidding of the NDC. If the CPP does not contest the 2012 presidential elections, then the party is doomed because they would have lost an opportunity to present themselves as the credible alternative for which the electorates are yearning.

Appau Gyamerah Esq (Bob Cida)
Aspiring CPP Parliamentary Candidate
Cape-Coast Constituency
[email protected]