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Politics of Monday, 28 September 2009


Source: Young Nkrumaist Movement

What is the celebration of KN@100 for?

NDC at it again (Reselling of National Assets) - What is the celebration of KN@100 for?

An action speaks louder than words and a case in point is the recent announcement by The National Democratic Congress (NDC) government to offload The Tema Oil Refinery (TOR) to foreign investors. In a couple of years time Ghana will have access to crude oil but when that time comes for Ghanaians to benefit from the refined crude oil it appears that the profits will go to foreign investors who will own TOR. Instead of building refineries in every region to guarantee energy independence plus free flow of supplies, the NDC government is magnifying poor choice decision and spineless leadership. What a shame!! Have we lost our minds in Ghana or the Neo-colonialist curse haunting us? It is worth reminding readers that the NDC administration sold more state assets through the National Divestiture Implementation Program than any other administration to deepen neo-colonialist grip on Ghana by capitalist multi-national companies. This is same NDC that claims to be Social democrats. The loss of productive and profitable factories and manufacturing plants impoverished Ghanaians with loss of jobs and destruction of our social fabric. The waste of human capital (youth, working class and professional brain drain) are inimical to capacity development for Ghana's economic independence.

This is a classic example of neo-colonialists puppets and imperialist stooges government in power. These traitors are seeking to betray Ghanaians again. All the institutions Nkrumah built from State Farms, factories including TOR for energy independence as well as sustainable development and growth have been expropriated by very incompetent and irresponsible regimes of PNDC, NDC and NPP-CIA. These are the things that tell you GHANA IS A FAILED STATE!!. Here we are in an age where even imperialist nations have STATE OIL RESERVE inventory to avert sabotage by their own Big Oil Capitalists companies. Meanwhile in Ghana, corrupt regimes have no sense of CAPACITY BUILDING for self-reliance and want to perpetuate impoverishment of the citizens in complicity with foreign capital. Energy resource and the abundance of it is the engine to modernisation today. Just look at the presence of Big Oil (Shell, BP, Exxon, Mobil, Chevron, Agip etc.) at global locations of crude oil deposits and the connection with poverty in same regions and industrialisation in the West; our crude oil is the source of wealth for imperialist West. For Nkrumah to conceive TOR 45 years ago meant well for Ghana's economic and political independence. Handing TOR to foreign Capitalists is national suicide.

Ghanaians deserve an explanation as to why the Government is seeking to offload TOR. Is this another condition the IMF has required of Government of Ghana to meet, in addition to increase fuel prices by 30 per cent in recent agreement? The IMF wants all subsidies removed - including for electricity, education and health care. Further, Ghana is to be required to cut its budget deficit by 37 per cent in a single year, from 14.9 per cent of GDP, to 9.4 per cent by the end of 2009. Who controls Ghana with these diabolical economic prescriptions? Do they care for the well-being of Ghanaians or just profits?

What is the celebration of KN@100 for when NDC wants to hand over a national asset to racist imperialists for personal comfort and enslavement of Ghanaians? Would Nkrumah hand over TOR to Big Oil or any foreign capitalists? NDC is paying lip service to Ghanaians with this betrayal!! NDC cannot be trusted to defend national interest of Ghanaians!!

Ghanaian masses must bring pressure on their MPs and President to abort this misguided sale. The Government of Ghana can recruit qualified African engineers in Diaspora to manage TOR efficiently as a national asset for Ghana economic empowerment. This is where Ghanaians imbued with Nationalistic ideology and vision can expose the contradictions (permanent Ghanaian interest for security against profit for Neo-colonialists) to the masses and move them to ACTION. The readers must be reminded that the NDC saw Kwame Nkrumah’s centenary event as another opportunity for the NDC to further fool the people and eat into the CPP support base and claim the left side of the political divide for itself. We all have to share the burden of austerity fairly and stop mouthing empty platitudes. The NDC MUST stop paying lip service to Ghanaians with this betrayal, while continuing to destroy the self-reliance attitude instilled in Ghanaian by Osagyefo. Ghanaians will hold The Ministry of finance and Economic Planning (MOFEP) to their words.


There is victory for us!!

Forward ever, backwards never!!

Young Nkrumaist Movement (YNM), - [email protected] - [email protected]