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Press Releases of Wednesday, 29 June 2022


Source: CIMG

CIMG holds 32nd annual general meeting

National President of the CIMG, Dr. Daniel Kasser Tee National President of the CIMG, Dr. Daniel Kasser Tee

The Chartered Institute of Marketing, Ghana (CIMG) held its 32nd Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Thursday, June 23, 2022, at the Golden Tulip Hotel, Accra, Ghana.

This was the first AGM following the passage of CIMG Act, 2020 (Act1021) and the subsequent inauguration of the Institute’s new Governing Council on March 21, 2022.

The National President of the CIMG, Dr. Daniel Kasser Tee, gave an account of the stewardship of the previous Governing Council, for the year under review, 2021.

In his remarks, the National President congratulated members of new Governing Council on their appointment by His Excellency the President of the republic, which he said was in accordance with Article 70 of Ghana’s 1992 constitution. He pledged the continual pursuance of the Council’s 7-point agenda in ensuring all existing and ongoing projects were carried through.

The National President reiterated the decision of the Governing Council about “advocacy on marketing-related matters” which will be “based on scientific research”. He highlighted, particularly, the commissioning of the Ghana Customer Satisfaction Index (CIMG-CSI) in April 2021 for the Banking Industry, which was launched in September 2021.

“Following the success of the maiden project, plans are far advanced to conduct similar surveys for other sectors (Insurance (life and general business), Banking (consumer and business banking), Hotels, Private Health Facilities, Business Schools”, he further stressed.

The National President was particularly enthused about the commissioning of the Ghana Regional Brand Index (CIMG-RBI), which is scheduled to start next week across all sixteen (16) regions of Ghana. He indicated that the two surveys, CIMG-CSI and the CIMG-RBI, would be done and published annually.

Dr. Kasser Tee highlighted the Institute’s reliance on partnerships and collaborations with the corporate world and other professional bodies, both home and abroad, leading to some landmark achievements.

He also mentioned that the Institute was putting in efforts on membership drive, via collaborations with traditional and technical universities as well as other colleges for the Professional Marketing Qualifications (PMQ). These collaborations are “all geared towards driving membership and obtaining their buy-in in rolling out the PMQ on their various campuses and across all regions of Ghana”.

The National President expressed special appreciation to two personalities whose outstanding work ethics and contributions had impacted the growth of the Institute; Dr. Francis Mensah Sasraku and Mr. Adam Sulley, whose experience in academia and industry, he said, cannot be underrated. This is a result of their unrivaled contributions to engaging numerous stakeholders, all towards whipping up interest in the PMQ programme.

The evening also witnessed the swearing-in of various committees to support the work of the Governing Council, a practice the institute has adopted to promote good corporate governance practices. Amongst the Committees sworn into office were the Awards Planning & Selection Committee, Building Committee, Ethics/Disciplinary/Legal Committee, Publicity Committee, Membership Committee, Finance & Administration Committee, and the Education and Student Affairs Committee. The Committees are mandated to serve for a period of three years each.

In his concluding remarks, the National President acknowledged the Governing Council and the various committees for their support as well as the Registrar/CEO of the Institute for their sterling performance in the year under review. He finally thanked the entire membership for their relentless support of the Institute over the past year.

The night was filled with excitement as the immediate past Governing Council were recognized for their endless contributions and exceptional performance in 2021 with parting gifts from the Institute in collaboration with some corporate organizations.

The outgone council members each received GHS2,000 worth of fuel from GOIL, a Chesterfield single furniture and Ottoman table from Latex Foam valued at GHS2,000 each, a €1,000 discount on the iconic Peugeot 3008 SUV from Silver Star Auto Limited. Three special personalities, Mrs Agnes Essah, Ms Doris Kuwornu and Dr Annie Babah-Alargi were additionally given a weekend-stay-for-two at the Elmina Beach Resort, a weekend-stay-for-two at the Golden Tulip Hotel and a dinner-for-two at the Golden Tulip Hotel respectively.