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Press Releases of Monday, 18 December 2023


Source: International Youth Network

International Youth Network for Un Security Council Resolution 2250 calls on Israel to temper justice with mercy

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Israel stands at a critical juncture, where the pursuit of justice must be tempered with mercy, especially concerning Hamas. As we wrap around the complexities of the ongoing conflict with heightened death tolls, it is crucial to zoom in and focus on the vulnerable populations affected— the youth, children, women, and ordinary civilians.

The conflict between Israel and Hamas has endured for years, resulting in immense suffering for countless innocent lives. In as much as the pursuit of justice may be essential, it is equally crucial and appropriate to recognize the humanity within these populations and consider the impact of punitive measures on the most vulnerable.

Youth and children bear the brunt of the consequences of any conflict. They are innocent victims caught in the crossfire, facing trauma and displacement that can scar them for life.

Israel's approach should prioritize their well-being, invest in education and mental health support, and create an environment that fosters hope rather than despair. Women often become the backbone of families in times of conflict, managing the household and caring for children amid the chaos. Recognizing the unique challenges faced by women is essential, and Israel should explore avenues to provide support and ensure their safety, fostering an environment that empowers rather than oppresses.

The heart of any society lies in its ordinary civilians. They are the ones who strive for peace, stability, and a better future for their families. Israel's policies should differentiate between combatants and non-combatants, sparing those who pose no direct threat and facilitating humanitarian aid to those in need.

While holding those responsible for violence and unrest accountable is necessary, there is room for compassion in the pursuit of justice. Israel can demonstrate its commitment to a just and lasting peace by incorporating restorative justice principles, fostering reconciliation, and working towards a future where the cycle of violence is broken.

We pray Israel to consider the impact of their action on the youth, children, women, and ordinary civilians in their approach to Hamas. Balancing justice with mercy is not a sign of weakness but a testament to strength and humanity. By prioritizing the well-being of the most vulnerable, Israel can pave the way for a more sustainable and compassionate resolution to the longstanding conflict.