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Press Releases of Monday, 25 April 2022


Source: Ebenezer Kofi Hayford

John Mahama sure winner for 2024?

Former President of Ghana, John Dramani Mahama Former President of Ghana, John Dramani Mahama

As the 2024 elections draw closer, the Caucus for Democratic Governance, Ghana (CDG-GH) in its research activity continues to interview and discuss the topic: “Winning candidate for 2024”.

EIU Report

Early last week, Economist Intelligent Unit (EIU) published a report asserting that NDC is likely to win the 2024 election but not with John Dramani Mahama as a candidate. This statement for CDG-GH is highly controversial, isolated, and foreign to the truth. Many distinguished social analysts continue to point out the flaws in the analysis. Considering the many other reports that support JM as a winning factor for NDC in the 2024 election, it is most unlikely that this report will be taken seriously. Such a report as published by EIU is bound to obliterate the truth and so create the wrong impression.


Sometime this year, the National Democratic Congress (NDC) will elect the Party leadership and flag bearer. Among possible outstanding NDC members, likely to contest as Flagbearer are Dr. Kwabena Duffour, Prof Joshua Alabi, Dr. Ekow Spio Garbrah, Hon Alban Bagbin, Dr. Kumbour, and Dr. Gusie Tandor. These, possible candidates and many others, are NDC members with character, repute, and experience. They are also candidates that can win the flagbearer race, but not the presidency in 2024; reference to the pattern of presidential elections in the 4th Republic.

JM and NDC

During the last NDC National Congress election in 2019, flag bearer candidate, H.E John Mahama pulled over 90% of the votes, testifying to his popularity. The other candidates had to share among themselves the rest. Over the years, H.E John Mahama has campaigned severally, through the length and breadth of Ghana as flag bearer candidate and as a presidential candidate. His vast experience in the political arena (as Assemblyman, Parliamentarian, Deputy Minister, Minister, Vice President, President, with International appointments at ECOWAS, AU, and UN), has all laid bare his tenacity, fighting spirit, the strength of character, and leadership qualities.

His new accolade: “JM the nation builder”, makes him a man of choice. He is one of the few, whose charisma can pull undecided voters to NDC during elections. Under his leadership, NDC did extremely very well in the 2020 elections. In spite of arm twisting, we increased our parliamentary seats to 137. He showed solid leadership from 2012-to 2016 and must be given the opportunity to rescue Ghana from Akufo Addo`s economic paralysis and mismanagement.

Dysfunctional Leadership

As a result of Akufo Addo`s dysfunctional leadership, Ghana`s economy is characterized by a plethora of confused and twisted parameters. We have a huge budget deficit of 7.5%; rising inflation of 19.4%; a huge and unsustainable public debt of 400 billion GHC (84% of GDP); a national revenue of GHC 600 billion, which requires borrowing $247 million to service our debt and pay public workers; a rapidly depreciating currency (1$ = 8 GHC; the second-worst currency in the World); high unemployment numbers of about 4 million (13% of national population); high-interest rate; ever-rising cost of living (leading to high prices of goods, food, fuel, transport-fares, gas, water-rate, electricity, and high rate of multiple taxes including the obnoxious e-Levy). There is a loss of confidence among investors and International creditors are unwilling to lend to Ghana.

Optical Illusions

The economy is in the abyss and must not be left in the hands of any first-time President. In 2016 we trusted Akufo Addo (a first-time President), who thought he knew it all and could do it all in 18 months. We however did not know, he would leave the people cash trapped, suffering in the midst of poverty, high prices, and obnoxious taxes including E-Levy. Many Presidents come with egoistic interests to the detriment of the country and people. Many think the presidency is all about getting the Army, Police, and Judiciary under control while suppressing the people and looting the national wealth. That is wrong leadership.

Experience- the best teacher

In the face of serious economic and political mismanagement, “experience is the best teacher”. We need someone with experience who can release Ghanaians from hardship and restore confidence to the people. HE John Mahama was once Communications Minister and was one of the few that started the digitalization in Ghana. As Vice President, he led the economic team of late Atta Mills with excellence. As President, he had his own share of problems but was quick to find rapid solutions. He has been there before (as President). He knows the terrain, the inner structures and complexities, and their possible solutions. His visionary qualities and above all his long-standing experiences are bound to be an extra advantage over all other competitors.

Running Mate (RM)

The problem is the right RM. The silent rule is that the NDC flagbearer does not field a running mate that loses the first time. Besides it is advisable to change the 2020 RM for a vibrant RM who is charismatic with deep insight and affiliation to NDC roots and tradition, to revitalize the grass root and to push the country left to neutralize the extreme right tendencies established by Akufo Addo. We need a center-left who was present from the beginning of NDC, that has demonstrated entrepreneurial credence. We need someone whose image fits all images within the NDC fraternity. There may be many such characters. One of them (humble, a good listener with strong social touch) is Comrade Leslie Mensah Tamakloe; an IT specialist and an entrepreneur.


The probability of John Mahama winning the 2024 election, is higher than any other candidate. Analysis and study of the 4th Republic election pattern will confirm this assertion. In the interest and Unity of the Great NDC Party, let us support H.E John Mahama. I pray and hope that the other possible candidates would show leadership, wisdom, and commitment to NDC Party by accepting HE John Mahama as the NDC flag bearer for 2024. We urge all, in the Spirit of our Great Party-NDC to fight together to win the 2024 election.

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