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Press Releases of Sunday, 10 May 2020


Source: Kofi Ehuron, Contributor

La Dadekotopon Municipal Assembly launches operations ‘wear your nose mask’

Rev. Solomon Kotey Nikoi, the Municipal Chief Executive of LaDMA Rev. Solomon Kotey Nikoi, the Municipal Chief Executive of LaDMA

The La Dadekotopon Municipal Assembly, in (LaDMA ) partnership with Metro TV has launched a campaign to mitigate the spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic in La.

The campaign dubbed ”Operation Wear Your Mask” with the slogan ”Protect Me ,I Protect You” ”Buu Mihe Ni Mabu Ohe” is to enforce strict compliance of the wearing of the mask as directed by the President.

Rev. Solomon Kotey Nikoi, the Municipal Chief Executive of LaDMA speaking at the launch reiterated the Assembly will provide about 20,000 pieces of masks for distribution as a catalyst to help promote safety among constituents.

According to him, to ensure strict adherence, all institutions and organizations in the municipality have been directed to observe compulsory wearing of mask.

”To ensure strict compliance we have directed all institutions and organizations in the municipality to observe this compulsory wearing of masks, both staff and clients which I believe will help promote safety among residents ,’ Mr Kotey Nikoi said.

The Municipal Chief Executive further said the Assembly is designing NO MASK NO ENTRY NOSE ENTRY posters to be dotted across the municipality in the coming days for residents to take note.

According to him, in the coming days, a joint Security Taskforce including the Police and the City Guards will be deployed to the commercial business areas of the municipality to ensure that residents are adhering to the directives of mask-wearing and social distancing.

Solomon Kotey Nikoi expressed his gratitude to institutions that have supported the Assembly since the outbreak of the pandemic.

He named companies as SIC Insurance limited, the La Community Bank, Services Integrity Loans and Savings and the Redeemer Christian Church of God, Baatsonaa, Spintex Branch.

He further thank Metro TV and the local radio station Latenu for agreeing to be media partners to fight against the pandemic.

The MCE appealed to representatives of the Traditional Council, the La Market Women Association, the GPRTU to support the Assembly in its fight against this deadly pandemic by ensuring that all their members adhere to the mandatory nose mark wearing and enforce social distancing at all times at all times in their dealings.

The member of Parliament for La Dadekotopon, Hon. Vincent Sowah Odotei on his apart advised to resident to adhere to the health protocols.