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Press Releases of Tuesday, 25 July 2006


Source: NDC

NDC Press Release

THE attention of the Functional Executive Committee of NDC has been drawn to a banner headline publication in the Tuesday, 18th July, 2006 issue of the ‘Ghanaian LENS’, entitled “NORTH AMERICAN NDC ROOTS FOR PROF. MILLS”.

In the said publication, one Professor Kwaku Danso Boafo who styles himself as the co-ordinator of the North American Committee of the NDC allegedly sought to commit the support of the Party’s branches in North America to the candidature of Prof. John Evans Atta-Mills for flagbearer of the party in the impending presidential primaries.

The National Executive Committee of the party wishes to react as follows:

* That the said publication, if true, would clearly be in contravention of chapter eleven (a) and (b) of the Regulations governing the Election of the NDC Presidential candidates, 2006 which states as follows:

(a) No organ, institution, branch or structure of the party should issue any public or press statements in support of any of the contestants.

(b) For the avoidance of doubt, no party executive or any other person(s) at whatever level of the party should issue any public statements or make public pronouncements which have the effect of committing the support of the whole of that organ, institution, branch or structures of the party to any of the contestants.

* That the recognized structures of the party in North America are the various branches and an umbrella body known as NORTH AMERICAN COORDINATING COUNCIL OF NDC (NACC).

* The current Chairman of NACC is Mr Koby Boohene and the inter-chapters Co-ordinator is Mr Francis Ameyaw.

* Finally, the Functional Executive Committee of the NDC wishes to advise all prospective Presidential Candidates, Executive members at all levels and the rank and file of the party to endeavour to abide by the regulations to ensure free, fair and transparent elections at the impending Special Delegates Congress.