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Press Releases of Wednesday, 10 January 2024


Source: SDTA

SDTA Awards confer on Maher Kheir, Lebanon Ambassador to Ghana Supreme Diplomat of the Year

Maher Kheir, Lebanon Ambassador, right, with his awards Maher Kheir, Lebanon Ambassador, right, with his awards

His Excellency Maher Kheir, the Lebanon Ambassador to Ghana, who is also the Dean of the Diplomatic Corps and a poet, has been conferred with the prestigious, Supreme Diplomat of the Year by the Global and Prestigious, Supreme Dynamic Talent Academy Awards, (SDTA Awards) at its star-studded third edition Awards Gala.

His Excellency Maher Kheir, the Lebanon Ambassador to Ghana Succeeds His Excellency, Irchad R. Razaaly, the European Union (EU) Ambassador to Ghana, who has conferred Supreme Diplomat Of the Year in 2022.

His Excellency Maher Kheir, the Lebanon Ambassador to Ghana was conferred the prestigious, Supreme Diplomat of the Year 2023 by Supreme Dynamic Talent Academy Awards, for his commitment to work Supremacy and owing to his Supreme contributions of service in public diplomacy, foreign affairs, and international relations, Contribution to strengthening bilateral business relations and business development between Ghana and Lebanon, Community and grassroots engagement, Creativity, hard work, Technique professionalism and a promoter of the creative arts.

He is an ardent doer and believer that what the world needs today is a culture of dialogue, tolerance, and peace to bring people and cultures closer for growth, instead of hate and war. H.E Maher Kheir therefore uses creativity to pass his message, he believes that poetry is a powerful tool to advance social transformation.

To strengthen his message of tolerance, peace, and a culture of dialogue and to achieve stronger partnerships, greater inclusion, and harmony, he often writes stories, produces, and directs poetry, and organizes and takes part in poetry nights.

One of his remarkable poetry nights is the first ever colorful innovative poetry night in Ghana, dubbed "Gardens of Light", where he performed a collection of his creative poetry, using the artistic elements of images, lights, music, and choreography to communicate his message of tolerance, love, and peace.

In attendance and participation were the president of the Francophone Ambassadors Group, heads of various Francophone Embassies in Ghana, such as the Ambassador of France H.E Anne Sophie Avé, the High Commissioner of Canada H.E Kati Csaba as well as representatives from the Embassies of Morocco, Congo, Egypt among others.

Actor Prince David Osei, the Brand Ambassador of SDTA Awards presented the prestigious, Supreme Diplomat of the Year honor, to His Excellency Maher Kheir
at the star-studded third edition of the Global and Prestigious, Supreme Dynamic Talent Academy Awards, (SDTA Awards) Gala, held at the La Palm Royal Beach Hotel in Accra Ghana.

Just as he was called to receive his award on the stage, there was a cultural dance performance, the dancers accompanied him with a dance from his seat to the stage and just as he was about to receive his award, a beautiful display of fireworks went up as his photo popped up on the big LED Screen as his name was mentioned by the MC, with a standing ovation from the crowd he was conferred with the prestigious honor.

H.E Maher Kheir was also presented with a beautiful portrait of himself by the talented Ghanaian Artist, kidah.

If one were sitting in the audience, a neck spasm would be impending with all the turning and trying to spot the celebrities, diplomats, and other dignitaries While trying to catch all the fun on stage, from musical performances to Cultural dance, to poetry, etc, It was indeed a night of glittering performances, tickling humor, and humble gratifications.

His Excellency Maher Kheir, the Lebanon Ambassador to Ghana, therefore becomes the third Ambassador to receive the prestigious, Black & Golden Plaque for Supreme Diplomat of the Year Award.

His predecessors are; Her Excellency Anne Sophie Ave, the former French Ambassador to Ghana and the current French Ambassador for Public Diplomacy in Africa, who was conferred Supreme Diplomat of the Year in 2021, and His Excellency Irchad R. Razaaly, the European Union (EU) Ambassador to Ghana, who was conferred Supreme Diplomat Of the Year in 2022

The Diplomat smiled proudly after receiving the ‘Supreme Diplomat Of the Year’ honor and gave this heartfelt speech:

“Ladies and gentlemen, members of the Supreme Dynamic Talent Academy Awards, and distinguished guests,

I am pleased to stand before you tonight, not only as a recipient of the Supreme Diplomat of the Year Award but also as a part of this celebration of talent and achievement.

Receiving this award is a humbling experience, and I want to express my gratitude to the Academy for recognizing the importance of diplomatic efforts in our ever-changing world.

I am equally happy and grateful to be acknowledged by the Academy that celebrates excellence and dynamism across diverse fields.
Your recognition adds another layer of significance to this moment, highlighting the synergy between diplomacy and the arts, between global relations and dynamic talent.

Thank you for fostering a platform that not only recognizes individual accomplishments but also emphasizes the communion of talent across various disciplines. Your commitment to excellence inspires us all to strive for greatness in our respective fields.

I share this award with all who supported me throughout my journey.
Diplomacy, like the arts, is a collaborative endeavor, and this recognition is a testament to the power of teamwork, dialogue, and a shared vision for a better world.

In conclusion, I am inspired by the dual celebration of diplomacy and talent in this ceremony. May this moment encourage us all to continue pushing boundaries, fostering collaboration, and using our talents to create positive change in the world. Thank you.” - His Excellency Maher Kheir, the Lebanon Ambassador to Ghana.

This special recognition award category recognizes the achievements of outstanding diplomats, who merit this special recognition, owing to their Supreme contributions of service in the fields of diplomacy, foreign affairs or international relations, in research, or distinguished service based on:

Worked in promoting economic diplomacy, Contributed to strengthening bilateral business relations and business development with African community/ grassroots engagement, Creativity, hard work, and technique. It's about people and professionalism.

Diplomats who represent the international society and peoples’ interests in the areas of policy and social awareness.

This award creates positive role models at the Diplomatic & government level and encourages representatives to lead effectively for their people.

Each Year, the SDTA Awards review the accomplishments of leading trailblazing diplomats and politicians worldwide to identify those who have made the greatest contribution to international relations and honor them with the highest of honor for Diplomacy at the SDTA Awards, which is SDTA Awards distinctive way to celebrate Diplomats who are passionate about the welfare of the people they represent, the cause of humanity and their Supreme Contributions.

Therefore, in the SDTA Awards' role & vision to promote and celebrate the Global Supremacy of Talent and Creativity, foster economic growth, inclusiveness, cultural exchange, friendship, and global peace, SUPREME DIPLOMAT OF THE YEAR, Special Recognition category was created in 2021.

About Supreme Dynamic Talent Academy Awards (SDTA Awards)

The Supreme Dynamic Talent Academy Awards® (often shortened to SDTA Awards and Pronounced as STAR AWARDS For the initials), which began in 2021, is the first Prestigious and Global Awards Organization from Africa to Celebrate & honor the Supremacy and Dynamism Of Both African & International Creatives & Talents in the Creative or Entertainment Industry, whose works have projected the Arts and Entertainment sector Supremely.

SDTA AWARDS also has a SPECIAL RECOGNITION Category which spotlights ALL Walks of life, to celebrate and honor personalities from around the globe with short or long-standing service to the development of their respective fields and also to Humanity, for creative and innovative Contributions.

SDTA AWARDS are presented in an Annual Awards show, hosted by Supreme Dynamic Talent Academy, an internationally recognized Talent Academy to equip & train Talents with Global standards to strive for Supremacy in their careers, either in Modeling, Pageantry, Acting, TV Presenting, Makeup & Dancing.

SDTA Awards is hosted by Supreme Dynamic Talent Academy In collaboration with, supreme Dynamic Agency, which holds unparalleled experiences and unrivaled expertise in hosting international conferences, events, and exhibitions, including Talent Management, Pro PR, AD Content Creative Services, Digital Marketing & ushering Services.

The Supreme Dynamic Talent Academy Awards are gradually becoming the most prominent global and Prestigious Awards ceremony from Africa and fast becoming the “creative and entertainment industry’s biggest night of the year"

About H.E Maher Kheir

Maher Kheir is a Lebanese poet and a diplomat, he was born and bred in Tripoli, then he moved to France where he lived for some time, studying and working in the media.

He performed numerous innovative poetry events that incorporated sound, light, visual imagery, and choreography. Among them are the theaters of Cairo Opera House, Toulouse, Paris, Canberra, and Sydney.

He has participated in many international Festivals, winning multiple awards. He is the first poet who filmed poetry in a Video Clip.

High Education:

Master's degree in Arabic Literature & Civilization (Michel de Montaigne University, Bordeaux, France).

High Diploma in French Language Teaching
(Toulouse Le Mirail University, France).

Postgraduate Diploma in Ancient & Comparative French Literature, (Toulouse Le Mirail University, France)


Consul of Lebanon in Canberra, since 2005.
Consul of Lebanon in Cairo, 2002-2005.
Deputy Head of the Permanent Mission of Lebanon to UNESCO, Paris, 2001-2002.

He has Collections of Poetry:

Last Dance on Canberra's Lake, Dar Merit, Cairo, 2008.
The Birds of Kasr el Nile Bridge, Dar Merit, Cairo, 2008.
A Sun for a Blue Shirt, Dar al Jill, Cairo, 2005.
Naked Under the Sun, Dar al Farabi, Beirut, 1998.


(Poetry with original music distribution):
Eleven Moons, Sydney, Australia, 2009.
The Cry of the Snow, Gebali Music, Cairo, 2005.
Naked Under the Sun, Lord Sound Production, Beirut, 1998.

Poems Video clips:

The Cry of the Snow (A Special Honorary Prize in the International Video Clip Festival, 2006).
Birds Will Tear Haven's Chest (Won the Oscar Prize in the International Video Clip Festival 2004).
Secret Letters from Beirut, Beirut, 2000.

Short films:

Consul of poets (about Maher kheir's poetic
journey), Cairo,2008.
The Voice of Poetry ( won among 200 films at the Short Films Festival of Canberra)
Publication in print:
What shall I do with my wings now? (poems)

A Theatrical Poetry Performance
Maher Kheir in Arabesque of Love

When the SDTA Awards Chairperson, Hon. Zino Lexili Ogazi was interviewed on why H.E Maher Kheir was chosen for the honor, she said: “SDTA Awards is proud to present the 2023, prestigious, Supreme Diplomat of the Year Award to H.E Maher Kheir for his outstanding work and diplomatic achievements, contributions to international relations, partnership, support to the creative arts and entertainment industry and for trying to better the nation’s well-being, he represents, congratulations to him.”