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Press Releases of Tuesday, 19 April 2022


Source: Society for Family Health

Society for Family Health (SFH) extends operations to Ghana to transform health outcomes

Country Manager at SFH International Ghana, Mrs Theresa Maame Ekua Galley Country Manager at SFH International Ghana, Mrs Theresa Maame Ekua Galley

Society for Family Health International Ghana (SFHIG) is set to launch its operations and products in the Ghanaian market to ensure improved health services and access to reproductive health services for Ghanaians.

The organization- which forms part of the emerging Pan African Non-Governmental Organization (NGO), SFH International -looks to use its core programme approaches in Social Marketing, Behaviour Change Communication, Research, Monitoring and Evaluation to implement health programmes across Ghana.

Country Manager at SFH International Ghana, Mrs Theresa Maame Ekua Galley, speaking ahead of the launch explained, “the organization’s focus is to expand access to information, care, services and products on Family Planning and Reproductive Health, HIV/AIDS Prevention and Management, Malaria prevention and treatment and Non-Communicable Diseases (Hypertension, Diabetes, Cancer) prevention and management and Safe Water Systems."

“We aim at using innovation, strategic partnership and linked policy engagement to support the development of stronger health and community systems,” she added.

According to Mrs Galley, SFHIG will collaborate with the government, public and private health sectors to improve the quality of health service and expand the frontier of Universal Health Coverage for all Ghanaians.

Globally, SFH International has reached an average of 28 million people annually (a 60million in 2018 alone) with its demand creation, services provision and health education activities. Among other things, the Organization delivered more than a 2.8billion male condoms, 106million cycles of OCP (Oral Contraceptive Pills) and ECPs (Emergency Contraceptive Pills) and 15million Injectable contraceptives as well as 72million Artemisinin-based Combination Therapy (ACTs) for Malaria and 30million Rapid Diagnostic Tests (RDTs) for Malaria; thus, improving the lives of more than 50 million people.