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Press Releases of Wednesday, 20 December 2023


Source: Stratcomm Africa

Stratcomm Africa holds second Brand Reputation Week 2023: Driving SME growth through strategic communication

Executives captured in a photo Executives captured in a photo

Strategic Communication Africa Limited (Stratcomm Africa), Ghana’s premier communication agency, has held another successful edition of its Brand Reputation Week with comprehensive communication skills capacity-building clinic and training programme focusing specifically on Small and Medium Scale Enterprises (SMEs).

The 2023 Brand Reputation Week, under the theme, "Driving SME Growth Through Strategic Communication”, was held over two days from 5th to 6th December 2023 to help SME participants appreciate the pivotal role effective communication can play in facilitating their growth and profitability. It demonstrated Stratcomm Africa’s commitment to driving positive change through strategic communication.

Entrepreneurs drawn from different sectors, including food and beverage, fashion, beauty, film, construction, real estate, and communication were among the participants.

During the two-day programme, seasoned Stratcomm Africa consultants exposed participants to Communication principles and tools for facilitating sustainable business growth and navigating the competitive business landscape. Topics covered included the importance of developing and working with coherent Communication Strategies as part of delivering on business strategies, Digital communication, and building and sustaining Brand Reputation, among others.

Mawuena Trebarh, a renowned business strategist, delivered a session on Business plan development and implementation, driving home the importance of building a strong business as a basis for developing and maintaining a positive brand reputation.

The Communication and Brand Reputation Clinic provided a platform for discussing and diagnosing the unique communication needs of the participants and determining how to meet them effectively.

Brand Reputation Week aligns with Global Entrepreneurship Week celebrations. In her opening remarks for the programme, Ms. Esther A N Cobbah, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Stratcomm Africa, emphasized the fundamental importance of SMEs for national development. "SMEs are the backbone of our economy.

As they thrive, the economy grows. Through working with SMEs to employ communication for growth, we demonstrate the importance of communication for business operations and national development”, remarked the CEO. “Our Skill Up in Communication to Scale up your Business” initiative has evolved over the years to expose stakeholders to employing communication for self, business or community enhancement”, she added.

Participants expressed profound gratitude for the valuable exposure and experience they obtained.

A participant in the food and beverage sector summed up her experience as follows, "The two-day event has been enlightening, emphasizing the significance of effective communication and brand positioning. It has underscored that running a business requires a level of intensity we had not fully grasped.

We have learned that how we communicate and what we convey to our clients are pivotal. As a result, I will reassess and refine the communication strategy for my brand."