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Press Releases of Sunday, 10 October 2021


Source: Unique Insurance Company

Unique Insurance break campaign: Brakes may fail but our insurance doesn't

Unique Insurance Company’s Motor Insurance, an assured insurance policy to restore your loss Unique Insurance Company’s Motor Insurance, an assured insurance policy to restore your loss

Brakes are among the tiniest components of a vehicle.

However, they are usually drivers’ prime tool for rescuing themselves and all those on-board from any road accident.

What if the brakes fail?

Look no further than Unique Insurance Company’s Motor Insurance, an assured insurance policy to restore your loss.

We have demonstrated over the years and continue to show our unwavering commitment to ensuring our clients are given the best motor insurance services.

Our Comprehensive Motor Policy covers own-damage, total loss, third party property damage, fire and theft.

Motor Third Party Policy on the other hand covers your legal liabilities towards third party property damage or injuries to third parties.

As part of our unrivalled service delivery, we provide free towing and pay minor claims within two hours.