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Regional News of Thursday, 26 October 2017



Chaos at Karaga: District Chief Executive, Youth Employment Agency Coordinator flee

Supporters of the Chairman invaded the police station and forcibly removed two of their members Supporters of the Chairman invaded the police station and forcibly removed two of their members

A Tuesday night violence among supporters of the ruling New Patriotic Party in Karaga has caused the District Chief Executive and the party Youth Organizer who is also the Youth Employment Agency Director to flee the area.

Mr Alhassan Yabdoo, chairman of the area’s Security Council, and Mohammed Baba Osman all raised security concerns before fleeing to the Regional capital, Tamale to seek protection.

The two were also prime targets of the two-day violence that resulted in the burning of a motorbike – an asset of the YEA - and one person being injured.

An open brawl between supporters of the Constituency Chairman, Ziblim Zakaria and the Youth Organizer ensued on Tuesday over a longstanding internal feud that was triggered by the recruitment of some youth into the Community Policing module under the Youth Employment Agency.

Supporters of the Chairman invaded the police station and forcibly removed two of their members who were in custody upon a directive by the DCE.

The violence continued Wednesday morning where tyres were copiously burned and the DCE office locked up by supporters of the chairman, compelling the two officers to run for their lives.

The DCE confirmed his escape and said the matter was beyond the District Security Council (DISSEC). He told StarrNews he was in talks with the Minister over the matter for advanced security in the town.

Whiles away, the DCE, however, confirmed that the Regional police command had dispatched more men to restore order.

The Youth Organizer and Director of YEA in the district also told Starr News that the conduct of the police calls for worries.

“For the police, we don’t talk about them. It was the fault of the police that they burnt my motor,” the director alleged.

“Seriously, I’m very sad the way the Security is carrying out their duties in the district, I cannot say I’m not afraid of my life, and I have to protect it jealously,” he added.

He said the police has been compromised, adding, he was in the regional capital to pursue the matter to ensure justice.

Mr Osman indicated he has informed regional leaders of the Youth Employment Agency about the damage of the Agency’s asset.