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Regional News of Saturday, 11 December 2021



Mother narrates how pastor declared her ‘witch’ after seeking her children’s good from him

Madam Vida has been labelled a witch Madam Vida has been labelled a witch

A mother of two in the Greater Accra Region has been labelled a witch after consulting a prophet to assist in prospering her children.

Madam Vida, the victim, narrating her story on the Anopa Bofoɔ morning show said her misery began when she decided to visit a prophet concerning the hardships of her small family.

She has two children: a male driver at Ablekuma who, according to her, is the gregarious and outgoing type, and a female who is the first child, and around whom the story revolves.

According to Madam Vida, all she wanted was for the two children to succeed in their toils, because it is out of their earnings she will also benefit as a mother who has raised them.

So, having met the prophet to lay her burden before him, he asked that the two children be brought to him to engage them personally.

Sandra (Madam Vida’s daughter) after being presented to the prophet upon his request, became a perpetual worshipper in his church.

According to the grieved woman, her daughter became attached to the prophet owing to the fact that he owned a car in which she could be conveyed to hospital in labor period, because she was pregnant at the time and the family was indigent.

She observed that her daughter’s attitude had changed after coming into contact with the clergyman, but every effort to get her to speak about the attitudinal change proved futile.

Madam Vida is of the conviction that it was the time during which her daughter was “brainwashed” to believe that she was a witch.

However, Sandra never spoke of the witchcraft her mother was allegedly engaged in until the woman heard it from the horse’s own mouth.

She said she paid a visit to the prophet’s home hoping to express a goodwill message to him and his family, and to enquire about their child after receiving news of his ill health, but that was when the news about her life broke her.

“He told me I was a witch and asked me to get out of his house. I Iayed my hands on my head, wept and left”, said the distraught mother in Twi in the interview with Kofi Adoma Nwanwani.

The prophet having achieved that, further influenced Sandra to pack out of her home to live with him, Mada Vida further noted.

About five days after packing out, “between 12 and 1 am, they came to my house to call out my name loudly and then I heard a voice that said ‘poor it [a concoction] there and let’s go. I give her up to four days, she will die’”.

“When I peeped through my window, it was my daughter and the prophet together with another woman” she said.

Her accusers continued as she narrated, ‘you are a big serpent who is behind your daughter’.

According to the victim of the verbal abuse, she was embarrassed the more when neighbors who later came out of their rooms enquired from her why she never called for help.

“I told them [neighbours] it was because of the ungodly hour at which they [the accusers] came, and the fact that I was embarrassed about how it will attract a crowd.”

Madam Vida, based on advice, reported the incident at Sowutuom Police station. According to her, she filed a complaint against the prophet for issuing death threats to her.

The officer on duty at the time “told me he would assign an officer to effect the arrest of the prophet.”

The police in the meantime called the prophet to inform him about the complaints filed against him for which reason he should report himself to the station.

In his response to the call, the prophet said he could not report to the Sowutuom Police Station because he was unavailable.

“I was then asked to go and verify whether indeed it was true that he was out of town”, she indicated.

Later when she returned to the police officer, he allegedly told her that he had “deliberated on the issue with his superiors and come to the conclusion that witchcraft issues cannot be handled by the police”.

Meanwhile, Sandra has refused to return home with her baby to live with Madam Vida because she fears her mother will end the baby’s life.

“But I was the one who took care of the baby since its birth till its ninth month to almost a year” said Madam Vida with teary eyes.