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Regional News of Saturday, 25 March 2023


Source: Nana Otu Darko Joshua, Contributor

Press release on the recent parliamentary approval of K.T. Hammond, Brian Acheampong and friends

A file photo of Ghana's parliamentary sitting A file photo of Ghana's parliamentary sitting

It is with a heavy and sorrowful heart that the leadership of TEAM SAGLEMI HOUSING NOT 4 SALE present this position paper on the recent reckless voting exercise that took place in Parliament on the appointment of some six ministers of state.

Following the bizarre elections that have brought these new government appointees into office, the following conclusions and admonishments have been drawn.

Only greed and advance bribery can produce this mess. The Minority caucus except for some few venerable MPs have proven they are not only corrupt and insensitive dwarfs but also in Parliament to satisfy their selfish ego and self aggrandizement and never in that house to represent the interest of any suffering Ghanaian.

What recently occurred in Parliament has further deepen the cracks that seeks to suggest that the NDC is not hungry and ready for power. The NPP did all they could politically to get Hon Gyekye Quaison out of their way in aid of Parliamentary manipulation but the Minority in Parliament has continuously shown otherwise.

Team Saglemi upon all indications and further political assessment have concluded that the bad voting pattern that flew in Parliament via the disappointing wings of a session of the Minority is a clear and an undeniable conspiracy if not a stab in the back against the Ato Forson led leadership to equally prove their grave weakness. An action that smells doom for the future of the Umbrella group.

From today, we firmly admonish every NDC parliamentarian to desist from unleashing unnecessary vehement against the perceived bloated size of the Akufo Addo government either in the media circles or in Parliament as their recent ugly dealing in the house has practically shown that they are just hungry talkers who exhibit high blood pressure of words and yet sharp contrasting anaemic kind of deeds. They should not take we Ghanaians for fools and must equally desist from pointing to Hon Brian Acheampong as the brain behind the alledged unleashed lawlessness during the Ayawaso brouhaha, as their massive endorsement for Hon Brian Acheampong defeat all their hollow arguments.

We innocuously crave the indulgence of former Prez John Dramani Mahama to be extra careful and vigilant ahead of the 2024 elections especially with people who will represent him as polling agents especially at the branches, regional collation centers and the strong room as we can firmly agree that the recent decision of some NDC MPs has confirmed that he is in the same boat with his hardened and incorrigible enemies awaiting to welcome the next sea tide to ravage them.

JDM can hurriedly ignore this granted he doesn't want power again come 2024 especially at a time when the incumbent NPP is bent on breaking the '8' with Nigeria APC as reference point.

We call on all well meaning Ghanaians especially the youth and floating voters to join Team Saglemi in the unrepentant struggle to wrestle power from this inept Akufo Addo leadership who has consistently visited hardship and misery on the Ghanaian people since NDC is gradually proving not to be serious and worthy for that national call and duty.

Finally, We officially suggest to the Chairman Asiedu Nketiah led leadership and the Council of Elders as well as NDC's Functional Executive Committee to as a matter of urgency set an adhoc committee of enquiry to investigate into ascertaining the veracity of possible MP's that may have caused such public mess. Such political miscreants and greedy souls if found must all be unseated in the upcoming elections on the 13 of May, a day slated for the parliamentary elections.

It is so sad, turns of events went that way. We however join the rest of well meaning Ghanaians to be consoled s hope is still seen on the way coming tomorrow.