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Regional News of Tuesday, 21 February 2006


Source: "Osagyefo" Kwame Appiah Boateng, alias,(Kwame Mayor)

Special (Tribute) To MS. PEGGY APPIAH

By "Osagyefo" Kwame Appiah Boateng (Kwame Mayor)

As the World watches how Ghana is mourning the passing away of Ms. Peggy Appiah, the British - Ghanaian Patriot, Philantrophist&nb! sp;and Literature icon who was the loyal wife of my uncle, the late Mr. Joe Appiah, one of Ghana's Political Statesmen, I respectfully would like to remind the Nation that tributes are inadequate to honor the fallen heroine and that I still stand by the humble request I made to the News Media and to Ghanaian Communities around the World, via electronic messages, immediately after the passing away of the "Shakespearen Juliet", for the Nation to honor her with a befitting State burial, a Statute, a Museum, a school after her name, to mention but a few.
According to historical records, Mrs. Peggy Appiah was the daughter of Sir Stafford Cripps, former British Chancellor of the Exchequer in the 1940's and ! Ms. Isobel Swithenbank..
Her marriage to Mr. Joe Appiah linked him (Mr. Joe Appiah) to British Aristocracy and to the Queen's Heritage of England - as many people still talk about the intriguing romance which compelled a woman of priveleges to leave the shores of England to her adopted Country of Ghana.
Had the legendary William Shakespeare lived to witness the Romantic Saga of Ms. Peggy Appiah and Mr. Joe Appiah, he would definately have written a Book or Play that could have equalled the "immortal" Romeo and Juliet Love Story.
My Father, who was a half - brother to Mr. Joe Appiah on the (Paternal side), honored Mrs. Peggy in life when he named one of my youngest sisters, Peggy Appiah and one of my youngest brothers, Joe Appiah.
My uncle, Mr. Joe Appiah was from the United Party (UP) tradition, whilst his half brother, my father, was from the tradition of the Convention People's Party (CPP) and yet they lived peacefully as believers of Democracy and their chief concern was the best interest of the Nation.
Perhaps, that is why my politics has been shaped with Political Tolerance and the Spirit of Patriotism.
Those who knew Mr. Joe Appiah well say that I picked his "Political Traits" - a Firebrand Politician, an Independent Thinker, a Moralist and a Fearless Defender of Principles !!!.
Ms. Peggy Appiah knew about t! he qualities of the Man she married and that explains the extra-ordinary loyalty she showed by leaving her aristocratic family in England to join my uncle in life in Ghana and now, in the grave - in the land of Ghana,( the proverbial Land of Amazing Hospitality).
Although my Maternal Great Grand Fathers - ( from the Adonteng Puduo Royal Family of Bamang, near the Kente Weaving Town of Bonwire who were the Historical Occupants of the Kumasi or Otumfuo's Adontenghene Chieftaincy Stool), -- led Ashanti Wars against British Colonialism - ( in their capacity as Adontenghene War Generals of Asante), I hereby, with due respect, would like to describe Ms. Peggy Appiah, an adopted Asante, as the first ever "British Yaa Asantewaa", in view of her extra-ordinary courage and her contribution to the promotion of Asante Culture and the development of Ghana as a whole.
Ms. Peggy Appiah was honored not only by her husband's half brother in terms of being honored with a name sake, but she was honored by Ghanaian and British institutions.
Her treasured books will bring her (Ms. Peggy Appiah) to life everyday in our memories - just as the lyrics of Bob Marley and Peter Tosh bring them to life in our memories everyday.
Maa Peggy, do you know that when I was in Elementary / Middle school, my classmates bothered me a lot by saying : " We have heard your uncle, Mr. Joe Appiah was the first Ghanaian or the first black man to marry from the Queen's Royal Family of England ?.
The pupils would then stare at me and wondered why I looked so humble !!! Maa Peggy, Please tell my uncle Joe, that just as in 2003, I called for the celebration of "Yaa Asantewaa Festival" - *(on a yearly basis)* - to celebrate the heroic achievements of the Legendary Queen - Warrior, Nana Yaa Asantewaa, I respectfully would like to recommend that you (Ms. Peggy Appiah), should be honored as the first ever "British -Ghanaian Yaa Asantewaa" !!!.
Maa Peggy, please carry this story about my political contributions to my uncle, Mr.Joe Appiah, in his grave and I am sure he would be proud of my political contributions to Ghana and to the International Community in terms of my committment to the noble ideas and ideals of Democracy, Freedom, Liberty, Justice; my committment to a Continental African Union Government, Afric! an Unity, World Unity, and the just cause for an (end) to the vestiges of Colonialism, Neo-Colonialism, and Imperialism; Racism, Ethnicism, Tribalism, to mention but a few.
There is evidence to prove to the whole World that "Osagyefo" Kwame Appiah Boateng, ("Kwame Mayor"), the 2004 CPP Parliamentary Candidate for Nhyiaeso Constituency, was the [first] to call for "Renaming the Castle the "Black House" --- in order to attract tourism (like the White House) ---and my call to develop the Castle into a Tourist attraction - like the White House, was (immediately) followed by a request to build a "State of the Art" Presidential Palace.
( It should be noted that about two days after I sent a Press Release / (News) calling for a seat of government that would attract tourism - similar to the White House, controversy erupted in Ghana's Parliament over the demand by the Majority side for $30 Million to develop the Flag Staff House --- followed by a statement by a Government Deputy Minister to develop the Castle as a Historical Site ) -- ( * Evidence : Read Sequence of events on Ghana's News Media, example : News - entitled : Rename Castle the Black House" ...) ;
On December 21, 2003 and January 19, 2004, "Kwame Mayor" wrote to the Protocol office with copies to the office of the President and Parliament (Office of the Honorary Speaker Peter Ala Adjetey).
In the letters, "Kwame Appiah Boateng ("Kwame Mayor" requested a meeting with the President for his support for extending Voting Rights to Ghanaians living abroad. Although neither the office of the Protocol; the office of the former Speaker or the office of the President responded to Kwame Mayor, soon after - in 2003, the former Speaker, Hon. Peter Ala Adjetey called for the extension of Voting Rights for Ghanaians living abroad. ---
If a bill - [currently] known as "ROPAB Bill" was introduced (on behalf of the President) - to allow Ghanaians living abroad to vote, then the CPP Man, "Osagyefo" Kwame Appiah Boateng, ("Kwame Mayor"), whose letters to the President --logically and rationally, prompted the 2004 call by the former Speaker of Parliament, Hon. Peter Ala Adjetey, for Ghanaians living abroad to vote, --- ( The debate over the Voting Rights of Ghanaians living abroad still continues - in 2006), then, he, "Osagyefo" Kwame Appiah Boateng, "Kwame Mayor" has (not) been given any credit - for his 2003 and 2004 letters to the Protocol Office - (attention): President John Agyekum Kufuor; Office of the President, C/O: Hon. Kwadwo Mpiani, etc, that sought a meeting to discuss Voting Rights for Ghanaians living abroad. !!!
As the interim President of Ghanaians Abroad Coalition, "Kwame Mayor" diplomatically [contributed] in appealing to the President for the [speedy] implementation of the Dual Citizenship Act, via Press Releases to the News Media and an electronic email to the Castle's Email address.
A few weeks after the Press Release, the Dual Citizinship Act was [finally] implemented.
--- ( Ghanaians living Abroad are thankful to all those (regardless of Political affiliations) - who made the Dual Citizenship for Ghanaians living abroad possible and for creating opportunities for Ghanaians living abroad to contribute to the development of Ghana).
(Ghanaians abroad are also thankful to those who support their Right to participate in elections and to the Nation's development, as the Nation adapts to the age of the "New Millennium").
Furthermore, "Kwame Mayor" claims possessing evidence to prove that he [first] called for erection of statutes in honor of the Martyred Judges; [first] called for the importation of South Africa's model of Truth and Reconciliation to Ghana - via his 1996/1997 Platform - a copy was given to His Excellency, President John Agyekum Kufuor in 1999 in Los Angeles --- before Mr. Kufuor became President, (in the company of Hon. Kwadwo Mpiani, current Minister of Presidential Affairs; "Kwame Mayor's 19996/1997 Platform or Political Literature also called for extending Voting Rights to Ghanaians living abroad of which copies were sent to Ghana Embassy in Washington, D.C., Mr. Spio Gabral could have been the Ghana's Ambassador at the time Kwame Mayor mailed his documents to the Embassy and Nana Effa Appenteng, Ghana's curre! nt Ambassador to the United Nations wrote to Kwame Mayor later on. The fact that Kwame Mayor mailed copies of his Political Literature to Ghana's Embassy where Mr. Spio Gabral was the Ambassador, provides a clue why former President Jerry John Rawlings mentioned extending Voting Rights to Ghanaians Living Abroad in 1996 !!! - ( Perhaps, as a Political Rhetoric).
( The same 1996/ 1997 Platform that called for "Setting up Truth and Reconciliation in Ghana)"; Kwame Mayor's abortive Yaa Asantewaa demonstration's objectives - (copies were given to the former Deputy Police Commander in Ashanti Region, Mr. Opare Addo and the Records office of the Ashanti Regional Police - ( in which "Kwame Mayor" clearly stated that some of the objectives of the "Yaa Asantewaa Demonstration" were to focus attention on the Neo-Colonialist and Imperialist State of Ghana; a demand for Economic Dialogue with the World's Powerful Economic Inst! itutions to soften thier harsh impositions; a call for a SYMBOLIC GOVERNMENT for a future Continental African Union Government and a call for "Yaa Asantewaa Festival" to be celebrated on an **(annual basis),* etc ---
"Kwame Mayor" insists that it is rational and logical to conclude that his objectives of the abortive "Yaa Asantewaa Demonstration" were faxed or mailed by the Ashanti Regional Police to government --- since it can be proven to all rational minds that Government controlled Radio Ghana was used to broadcast the ruling government's call for a "SHADOW GOVERNMENT" for a future Continental African Union government - (which was part of "Kwame Mayor's" objectives in the abortive "Yaa Asantewaa Demonstration") !!!.
All of "Kwame Mayor's" abortive "Yaa Asantewaa Demonstration" have all been announced or implemented by the ruling government since after he had submitted! copies to the Ashanti Regional Police and announced his objectives a number of times on FOXFM Radio station, in a few Months, Ghana weaned itself from IMF and to emphasize once again, Government's controlled Radio was used to announce government's preferance for a "Shadow Government" for a Continental African Union Government.
Furthermore, since the objectives of the abortive "Yaa Asantewaa Demonstration" were announced, the Center for Culture and its affiliate have announced an (annual) celebration of "Yaa Asantewaa Festivals".