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Regional News of Saturday, 3 May 2014


Source: Adu Baffour

Western Region Youth Commends Prez Mahama

over Dr. Toni Aubynn's Appointment as Minerals Commission CEO

A group calling itself Youth for Nzema-MANLE and Western Development have thanked Presdient John Dramani Mahama for appointing Dr. Toni Aubynn as the new Chief Executive Officer of the Minerals Commission.

In a release issued on Friday morning congratulated Dr. Aubynn who is an illustrious son of the Western Region and advised him to remain focus in his new portfolio.

below is the full version of the release



In the month of April, 2014, we the youth of the Western Region could not hide our joy when His Excellency John Dramani Mahama, the President of the Republic of Ghana announced the appointment of Dr. Toni Aubynn, an illustrious son of the Western Region to head one of the prestigious positions in the country-- the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Minerals Commission. By this singular act the President, has demonstrated his commitment to harness the country's best human capital to efficiently manage the resources of this country. Lee Kuan Yu, the revered former president of Singapore actively sourced human capital of the country, especially the distinguished ones from every sector, particularly the private sector, to develop Singapore.

Indeed, we the entire youth of the Western Region both within and outside the country commend and thank His Excellency John Dramani Mahama for the trust and confidence he had in Dr. Toni Aubynn whose is well known to have made enormous contributions towards national development in both the energy and mining sectors.

The appointment of Dr. Aubynn as the Minerals Commission the CEO, a well respected citizen of this country, has indeed brought a great honour and prestige to the entire people especially the youth of the Western Region due to his strong sense of professionalism, humility and exemplary modest lifestyle. Himself a product of a mining region, we have no doubt that his deep expertise and understanding of the industry will bring enormous benefit to the industry and the country.

This illustrious son of the Western Region has distinguished himself in every endeavour he has been involved in, right through his days as the Human resource and Local Affairs manager of the Abosso Goldfields Damang mine, through to his days at Gold Fields Ghana as the Head of Corporate Affairs and Sustainable Development, Director of Corporate Affairs at Tullow Oil and, in the last two and half years as the CEO of the Ghana Chamber of Mines. Some of his contributions are well known and not to be rehearsed here.

Dr. Aubynn's vast knowledge and experience of the industry, his deep sense professionalism, firm passion and conviction, assertiveness and unalloyed commitment to Ghana, stand him out as a capable hand to change the face of the mining industry which we all have had issues with over the years.

We wish to also take this opportunity to bring to Dr. Aubynn’s attention of his past commitments to the sector through his strong advocacy for national vision and policy on mining, increase in the portion of royalties to communities affected by mining, improvement in infrastructure of mining communities, local content and strong support for small scale mining by indigenes in the catchment areas and urge him to champion this course dispassionately without fear of intimidation from some powerful forces who due to their parochial interest would want to oppose such agenda and therefore urge him to be firm, diligent, focus and above remain neutral in the performance of his duties to the interest of state at large.

We are of the view that his work will continue to brighten all the four corner of this country and inspire the youth to emulate his undisputable records over the years and appeal to all stakeholders in the sector as well as Chiefs and people in the various mining communities to cooperate with him to ensure that his mission and vision for the sector is executed accordingly.

In conclusion, we wish to further remind him to use his position to bring together other unknown but successful sons and daughters from the Western Region, irrespective of their association, to help push for a common goal towards the rapid development for the people of the region.

Once again, we congratulate you and say Ayekoo!!!

God bless Ghana!!!

God bless Western Region!!

Thank you


Adu Baffour

Communication Director