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Religion of Tuesday, 26 August 2008


Source: THE SUN

AGC Declares 7-days nationwide fasting

… To Avert Impending National Catastrophe

ARISE GHANA CAMPAIGN (AGC), an interdenominational prayer group which intercedes for the nation on spiritual matters has declared seven days nation-wide emergency fasting and prayer, begins today August 24 to Sunday September 1 to avert what the group described as the looming doom before and after the December general elections.

Speaking to a horde of journalists at the press conference in Accra, Bishop Encoh Boateng leader of AGC stated that if Christians in the country do not wake up from their slumber to intercede for the nation, some greedy politicians who cut across the political divide would drag the nation to doom, following their selfish means to gain political power in this year’s elections. He said some politicians in the country have consulted oracles for power, and have promised human blood in exchange for power. Bishop Boateng noted that in all the past elections in this country, greedy politicians had consulted oracles to help them obtain power and in turn pay back with human blood. However this year’s case seems to be different because, in times past the oracles took the blood after the greedy politicians had won power. In this year’s elections, those who consult oracles have been asked to give blood before and after the elections, and as a result if prompt steps are not taken to avert the situation, many lives would be lost before and after the elections.

“It will be easy and better for us to destroy the eggs that are to hatch bad birds than to allow the eggs to hatch the birds before we go hunting after them to kill’, Bishop Boateng explained.

“Unlike the other general elections which unscrupulous politicians consulted oracles for power and paid back with human blood through abnormal road accidents and other unexpected and unexplained mysterious deaths, this time they have been told by the oracles that the only way they can win elections is by shedding so much blood before power could be given them,” he stated. He revealed that the process through which blood could be drawn before possible power could possibly be given to these unscrupulous politicians are to cause the electorate to fight each other through a host of accusations such as, one not being a Ghanaian but an alien, that a voter is only a minor or that a voter does not live within a particular polling station. Other means by which blood would be drawn he said, was the use of some Police personnel to cause confusion together with some greedy Electoral Commission officers. He said the confusion will be so disturbing that it will trigger off a nationwide state of confusion. “What has been planned to happen is that the nation shall be divided into two political divides with security agencies and personnel also divided into two, with a faction supporting this faction and the other supporting the other group. Warring factions would invade the country from the borders to support one political grouping or the other, to cause anarchy and nationwide bloodshed”, he revealed. According to Bishop Boateng the Lord revealed the secret and has ordered AGC to inform Ghanaians through the press conference to intercede for the nation, and pray against the plans of the evil one. He therefore appealed to the general public and Christians to join hands in praying against the approaching disaster to be more pro-active, saying they have been ordered to mobilize prayer groups and other prayer warriors to pray against it hence, the declaration of a seven-day emergency fasting and prayer from today till Sunday.

On the prayer topics he urged all those who would pay heed to the call to pray to break the powers of the oracles, and bring confusion to the camp of the enemy by exposing all the misdeeds.

He called for courage for the EC before and after the elections so that the elected President who is the man after God’s own heart takes the Oath of office in peace.

Arise Ghana Campaign is an interdenominational prayer group established to intercede for the nation. Since its inception, the group has held press conferences in Kumasi on November 12, 2005 and in Accra and have announced that God was going to visit Ghana and bless it with crude oil in commercial quantity. Additionally the group had revealed that Ghana was soon to become a showpiece for the whole world in terms of wealth.