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Religion of Monday, 12 August 2019



Ahmadis urged to live by tenets of Holy Quran

Maulvi Naeem Ahmad Cheema Maulvi Naeem Ahmad Cheema

Maulvi Naeem Ahmad Cheema, the Special Aide to the Ameer in-charge of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Mission, Ghana has advised Ahmadis to live by the tenets of Holy Quran.

He urged them to refrain from actions that undermine the peace and interest of the country.

The Special Aide to the Ameer expressed concern about the persecution of Ahmadiyya Muslims, Christians and other religious minorities across the world and called on the international community to put pressure on countries responsible for this human right violation to stop.

Maulvi Cheema said this in a sermon at a congressional prayer service of Ahmadis to celebrate this year's Eid ul Adha festival at Ashongman in Accra.

The celebration commemorates the collective sacrifices by Prophet Ibrahim, his wife Hajara and son Ismail in complying with the directions of God in raising the foundations of Kaaba in Mecca.

Maulvi Cheema said from the time of Prophet Ibrahim, the pilgrimage had continued and the gathering every year of millions of Muslims from different parts of the world at Kaaba bears irrefutable testimony to the fulfilment of the prophecy made in the Holy Quran.

According to him, the reward of sacrifices by the Prophet Ibrahim indicated that nations and people who made sacrifice progressed in their endeavours.

He said whatever was sacrificed, be it animals or others in the cause of God were only symbolic, explaining that what was acceptable to God was the belief of the Muslim in oneness and abstention from sin and unrighteous conduct.

Maulvi Cheema urged Ghanaians and their leaders to make the needed sacrifices for the country to achieve peace and prosperity for the present and future generations.

The congregation prayed for the country for sustained peace and unity ahead of the 2020 elections.

Some of the Muslims who spoke to the Ghana News Agency thanked God for their lives to witness the celebration.

They prayed for good health, unity and understanding among Ghanaians devoid of conflict.