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Religion of Friday, 24 June 2016


Source: Joseph Osei Oppong Brenya

Bishop Onion gives out offering to poor widow and a lady

James 1:27 "Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.
Bishop Obinim exhibited his generosity again in church at the Ashaley Botwe branch of International God's way Church.

During prophecy time in church, the man of God who is referred to as the Angel of God called an aged woman to go to the pulpit and pick some undisclosed about of money in envelopes. As if that is not enough, Bishop Obinim told her to go for an an additional one thousand cedis, a local Ghanaian currency equivalent to 250 US dollars.

The old woman who gave her name as Vivian was in tears and was full of gratitude. She told the congregation, she is a poor widow who has lost all her three children in two years

Another young lady called Abena was also asked by Bishop Obinim to pick undisclosed amount of money on the pulpit to rent an apartment since she has no place to stay for the past six (6) months. Judging from the number of envelopes, the money can hit 5,000 Ghana cedis equivalent to 1,000 US dollars.

The congregation who were excited at the gesture applauded the man of God for his act of generosity.

These two add up to numerous alms giving extended to a number of people in church by Bishop Obinim this year.

The man of God in addition, has huge expenses and obligations on him which includes payment of monthly accommodation rents, schools fees and others for a number of people for free.