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Religion of Sunday, 11 January 2009


Source: Ghana Evangelical Society

Blessed Tidings To The People Of God

We proclaim blessed and glorious tidings of the Gift of Eternity and Crown of Victory from the Most High God to the People of God, soldiers of the cross who are standing with Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God in mission in the reconciliation and redemption of the world.

We produce excerpts of CHRISTMAS MESSAGE from the Triune God at the 2008 Christmas Day Service at the Ghana Evangelical Society House of Worship, Accra.

We are sharing this with the church body with the prime purpose of encouraging, strengthening and raising hope, lifting up the hands of the faithfuls, particularly those facing persecution, reproach and the challenges in righteous, holy and faithful living and service in the church and the world.

The message is self-explanatory. Briefly stated however, the message presents Jesus Christ as The GIFT of ETERNITY and His Christ’s Victory over death and sin, principalities and powers as the CROWN of VICTORY freely given to the believing peoples and nations of the world.

For this to be true, meaningful and effective to peoples and nations, the master enlist an army, soldiers of the cross among His people with whom He does battles to proclaim the Gospel and translate the victory won into reality in the affairs of peoples and nations.

As is well-known, the battles involved expose the people faithful to Christ and His Kingdom mission to immense challenges. Apart from the spiritual, emotional and physical pains and suffering, the faithfuls often face rejection, reproach and slander. Some are even accounted unto death.

But there is reward for every good work. There are spiritual gifts, eternal ones and blessings overflowing from within the Master Jesus Christ and also from the Father and the Holy Spirit. Above all, there is the crown of victory which the faithfuls win for themselves in their own rights in their standing in and work with the Master, the Lamb of God.

The message relates Christ Jesus own personal experience and testimony in His work with the Ghana Evangelical Society. Please read on.

“My peace I give unto you, not as the world gives, but My true peace. The peace that the world cannot understand. Peace be unto you, My beloved brethren. Peace from the Father, the Son and the Spirit. Worship the Son, worship the Spirit, worship the I Am that I Am. Worship the God who has brought you unto His bosom. Worship Him in the beauty of holiness and when you have finished, I shall pour forth rain abundantly out of the heavens upon you and you shall never lack. You shall never lack any spiritual blessing. You shall walk in the wisdom and knowledge of I the Lord God Omnipotent.

Here is the baby Jesus, your Master and Friend, the One who set captives free. He is the Son lying in the manger. Worship Him, worship the Son, the Gift unto creation. Yes, the Son of man who had nowhere to lay His head is here.

And today here I stand victorious over all principalities and powers. Here I stand in the midst of My holy people, yes, having set the captives free. Are you not free? Are you not free from the shackles of death and sin? Tell Me, are you not free? Have you not tasted of My power and My beauty and My glory? Are you not counted among the victorious of this world? See, how beautifully I have written your names, even in the Book of Life. Each one of you who’ve toiled, in My household, your names are written in the Lambs Book of Life and nothing can blot your names out.

My beloved friends and brethren, I call you My brethren because of the love you have shown towards Me and even My work on earth. Yes, I came down in the form of man. In three years I did all the work and when it pleased the Father I went to the grave, but I rose from the dead, setting the captives free, showing victory unto as many as would love Me and do My work. Have you not loved Me? If you have loved Me with all your heart and with all your mind and with all your might, this day I lay before you jewels. Each one of you pick your gift. It is a gift unto eternity. It is the gift of life, peace, prosperity, the gift of the Lamb of God. It is a gift of the Father, pick your gift. Good health I give unto you, you shall be the envy of the world, because you shall walk in good health and prosperity.

The Message of Goodwill This is the message of goodwill, the glad tidings I have for you this day. Blessed art thou amongst sons and daughters of men. Blessed art thou, o house that lives unto eternity, house of the Tribe of Judah, blessed art thou. You shall forever remain blessed. You shall walk upon gold. Remember on this day I called you My brothers and friends. You are My brethren indeed, because you have laboured with Me.

Receive ye the blessing of the Most High, see the fountain of life, how it pours upon you this day. Allow yourselves to be drenched in this water that flows in your midst this day. It is the fountain of life. Drink until you are satiated. I seal My word unto you with My body and My blood. O My beloved brethren, ye are for ever blessed, because you are indeed a chosen generation and a royal priesthood. Jehovah God, Omnipotent has blessed you this day and forever more. I Am that I Am is My name.

Reward for Good Works - Blessings There is reward for every good work. If leaders of this world, wealthy people, fathers and mothers and even friends know how to give good gifts to friends to make them happy, how much you as people called from different places, made you royals, wealthy people, and workers that I called into My holy assembly to help Me so that together we can do this good and beautiful work which is without repentance and blemish. If I the God of heaven, Creator of the earth, Head of all things, called you, and gave you work which is not an ordinary one, but involves fighting with principalities and spirits, and rulers and wicked spirits on My behalf, for you to win the victory just as I did, why should I not release precious blessings from within Me unto you Don’t you know that you are called ‘BLESSING’? Have you forgotten that I put My name on you for this special assignment? And don’t you know that it is for this reason why you have become the enemies of a whole nation? And nobody likes you? And nobody wants to see you? And you are being slandered to the extent that they wish you were dead. Should I not treasure you and handle you as a new born babe is handled with care to prevent it from falling and breaking a bone. I am God, a good Father, I have sympathy for you because I allowed My Son to overcome the world, and He went through suffering and pain, sorrow and gnashing of teeth. I allowed all that to happen to Him so that the Father, Son and Holy Spirit will have sympathy for you and understand.

Today, I am repeating it to you again that ….. blessing … blessing from within Me, progress and flourishing from Me will increase and overflow in your lives, in this world even on to the new world which will soon appear. And I will personally wipe away your tears. And I will open the gates of heaven on you and will give you all authority and I will sit with you as inheritors of heaven, because that is what I have purposed and written for you, for you went through a lot of suffering, pain, slander. O, what attacks did you not go through, in the hope that you will abandon this assignment, which will be a blessing to the whole world?

The Crown of Victory Today you have won the victory, because you have stood your ground as good children who have been entrusted with a good assignment for you to work and finish it well. You have finished so I crown you with the crown of victory and the due reward. That is what I lay at your feet. You have been faithful in little things.

Today, is a day of blessing, and it is a day of rejoicing. Therefore let everyone take the gift. It is an eternal gift, hold on to it. Let it be your inheritance for ever. Jehovah, the Creator of heaven and earth, is the One giving you your honour and glory today. Jehovah is My name.

This is the glad tidings of Everlasting joy in Divine Glory to the people of God. The fathers attained the goal in their time. Now is the time the people of God, soldiers of the cross in this generation, age and millennium. May all who find the message a blessing and are desirous to join the happy band of soldiers of the cross and missionaries. Please communicate with the Society. Attention: Bro. Enoch Agbozo or Sis. Janet Amegashitsi.

Issued by the Ghana Evangelical Society, (GES). P. O. Box GP 4393, Accra. Tel. 233-21-501772 ; email: [email protected]

January 9, 2009