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Religion of Sunday, 29 June 2008


Source: GNA

Christians urged to vote on Election Day

Kumasi, June 29, GNA - The Reverend Samuel Odarno, President of the West Africa Division of the Trinity Foundation Ministry, has appealed to Christians to go out and vote massively during the 2008 elections. He said Christians have the duty and obligation to decide who they want to rule the country to ensure that there was peace for them to serve their God. Reverend Odarno made the appeal at the 18th anniversary celebrations of the Ministry at Anwomaso in Kumasi on Sunday. The anniversary which had the theme: "The hope of the gospel for a fearful world", coincided with the ordination of 14 pastors for the Church and the graduation of 16 new ones, including a woman. The Trinity Foundation Ministry, which began in the country about 18 years ago, now has 40 churches in the Ashanti, Brong Ahafo, Eastern and Volta regions of Ghana as well as Togo, Benin, Cote d'Ivoire and Burkina Faso. Reverend Odarno said Ghana needed peace and unity to develop and there was the need for all to ensure that peace was maintained at all times. He therefore, called on all factions in chieftaincy and ethnic disputes in some parts of the country to bury their differences and work towards promoting peace in their areas. Reverend Dr Mark Rutland, Founder and International President of the Ministry, urged Ministers of the Gospel to always preach hope for their congregation since people needed hope in this troubled world. He said the fact that God is there forever to save mankind should serve as a hope to people at all times. Reverend Rutland urged Christians to worship the Lord and have hope that God would be able to change their situations for the better at all times. 29 June 29