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Religion of Friday, 27 December 2019



Genuine peace does not come from material things - Rev Sarpong

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Genuine peace is not like grocery, which can be bought; neither is it derived from material things, Reverend Kwadwo Owusu Sarpong, Minister in Charge of the Presbyterian Church, Adabraka Official Town District has said.

He said lasting peace could only be gotten from God who was the sole owner of such a gift.

“If the world could guarantee genuine peace, we wouldn’t be constantly faced with wars and other social vices. This shows that the world cannot guarantee true peace.

“The God-kind of peace is not like what the world has to offer. Only Jesus Christ can give you peace, which goes beyond human understanding. That is why He is called the Prince of Peace.”

Rev Sarpong made these comments on Wednesday during the Christmas Service held in Accra to commemorate the birth of Jesus Christ.

Speaking on the theme: “Shalom” (meaning Peace), he quoted from the scriptures saying, “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.”

The District Minister highlighted three ways one could attain the God-kind of peace; stating the first step to be reconciliation with God by accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and personal Savior.

Secondly, he said genuine peace could be secured when citizens settled their differences with each other and let go of offenses.

“You do not have to always look big in your own eyes. Take the initiative and make peace with others. This is for your own good,” he said.

Lastly, he said long lasting peace can be secured when humans made peace with themselves.

Rev Sarpong added that most people had the notion that God could not forgive some particular sins, as such, they kept going on in life being guilt-ridden.

He urged the congregation to do away with such wrong notions and trust in God’s forgiveness.

“Until you learn to forgive yourself, God will never forgive you. The only sin God cannot forgive is that sin you have not yet confessed to Him. If you continue to harbor your sins, you can never attract His forgiveness.”