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Religion of Friday, 19 June 2009


Source: MP

Is God A Dictator?

When I was a child I was told stories about a universal being called God and how he uttered this world into existence. The story went on to give a detailed account of how and what precisely took place on what time and under which circumstances creation itself came into being. When I inquired into who might have assisted this being called God in realizing these goals, I was told he did it all by himself without an acolyte, but one thing I gathered from this response is that this Being is a male being and not a female being, because of the pronoun himself.

My inquisitive mind was not yet satisfied and so I pondered deeper into the matrimonial state of this remarkable Creator and wondered if He might be married with a wife and children just everybody else, however that innocent inquisition got me more beating on my behind than I probably could've imagined and my only crime was the desire to know. And so I shelved my curiosity and thirst for knowledge and went to church on the regular days of worship and even got bapitzed in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost, but then all of the sudden my old enemy, whom I taught had left my mind came back on a visit and got me asking those questions which had gotten me in trouble on numerous occasions.

He said to me congratulations, I heard you got baptized in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost, but what happened to the rest and I asked what rest and he said the Wife, the Daughter and perhaps some nieces and cousins here and there, I mean if you really think about it, God should have more than a Son and a Holy Ghost you know and even if he doesn't have other cousins and nieces, he certainly must have a wife because he has a Son, right?

Now I knew he was telling the truth, but ass whipping has warn me to keep my mouth shut and so I took heed.

Now as I got older, matured and developed a certain sense of self, those childlike thoughts about a God who created who and what didn't abandon my mind and therefore I could conclude that they must have grown and matured with me, because the colour of their hair was all grey the last time I checked. One of the questions which I had as a child and has remained with me was, how close is God to a real dictator?

There are several verses in the Bible which depicts God as the only ruler of the Universe, who alone is worthy of being praised and adored and that any one who dare challenges His authority would be destroyed. And so if I'm to believe these verses right, then that means that God doesn't believe in either democracy or freedom and therefore all that he has created, if he created could never experience what true freedom is, because his authority lies in totalitarianism.

There are those amongst us who would object to this, because of the perception that God is both love and good and dictators on the other hand are bad and evil, however if freedom is sharing and one refuses to share is that good or bad and since God doesn't share His position with anyone but Himself, are we right to call Him a dictator?

My thoughts are older now, whithering and nearing their sun set.