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Religion of Friday, 27 February 2015


Source: Husseini Yushau BabalWaiz

Islam Promotes Tolerance & Prohibits Terrorism

{Reviving the Islamic Advocacy of Mercy & Magnanimity to Mankind}

[Excerpt 3]

Allah Prohibits Terrorism & Promotes Tolerance

“If it had been your Lord’s Will, they would all have believed – all who are on earth! Will you then compel mankind, against their will to believe?” --- Qur’an [10:99]

Analysis on this verse by Yusuf Ali in his, THE HOLY QUR'AN-English Translation of the meanings & Commentary: "If it had been Allah’s plan or will, He will not to grant the limited Free-will that He has granted to man, His omnipotence could have made all mankind alike: all would then have had Faith, but that Faith would have reflected no merit on them. In the actual world as it is, man has been endowed with various faculties and capacities, so that he should strive and explore, and bring himself into harmony with Allah's Will. Hence Faith becomes a moral achievement, and to resist Faith becomes a sin. As a complementary proposition, men of Faith must not be impatient or angry if they have to contend against Unfaith, and most important of all, they must guard against the temptation of forcing Faith, i.e., imposing it on others by physical compulsion. Forced faith is no faith. They should strive."

“But if the (perceived) enemy inclines toward peace, do you (also) incline toward peace, and trust in God --- Qur’an [8:61]
Analysis on this verse by Yusuf Ali in his, THE HOLY QUR'AN-English Translation of the meanings & Commentary : "…even in the midst of the fight we must always be ready for peace if there is any inclination towards peace on the other side. There is no merit merely in a fight. It should be joyful duty not for itself, but to establish the reign of peace and righteousness and Allah's Law."
Muhammad’s(S) Wisdom on Tolerance as against Terrorism

“That one will not enter Paradise whose neighbor is not secure against his mischief (harm or terror)”. –Muslim
“He who believes in God and the Last Day must not put his neighbor to inconvenience.”
-Bukhari & Muslim
Test Cases of Tolerance & Mercy of the Prophet & his Companions

He was stoned and Jibril asked if he would want his enemies crushed and he declined

In yet another instance, he went to preach at Taif (a suburb of Makkah) and the non-believers authorized their children to throw stones at him, which caused him severe injuries on his legs and body.
He sat by a tree, praying with blood oozing from his body and tears flowing from his eyes, “Oh God, please consider my weakness, my shortage of means, and the little esteem that people have of me. Oh, most Merciful God, You are the Lord of the oppressed, and you are my Lord. To whom would you leave my fate? To a stranger who insults me? Or to an enemy who dominates me? Would I that you have no wrath against me! Your pleasure alone is my objective. Under the light of your faith which illuminates all darkness and on which this world and the other depend, I take my refuge. I pray that I may not become the object of your wrath and anger. To you alone belongs the right to blame and to chastise until your pleasure is met. There is neither power nor strength except in you.” Upon this prayer, God, in a blink of an eye sent down Angel Gabriel to ask him if he wants Him (God) to send down the Angels who wield control over the mountains to destroy them instantly. But the Prophet rather said amazingly that, “Oh God! Guide this people, for they do not know!” He added that he hopes that their progeny will one day hold the banner of Islam and hence there is no need to call for their destruction.

He forgave the person who struck his pregnant daughter, caused her miscarriage and death

Hibar ibn Aswad was yet another enemy of Islam. During the migration of the Prophet's daughter Zainab from Mecca to Medina, he intentionally kicked her while she was riding a camel and caused her to fall to the ground, resulting in her miscarriage and that shock ultimately become the cause of her death. Hibar begged for mercy and the Prophet forgave him.
Part of his bountiful clemency to the enemies is his agreement to pray for rainfall upon the request of his enemy Abu Sufyan, when a severe famine struck Makkah, until the starving lot was compelled to eat carrion and bones. He prevented Thamamah Bun Athal from stopping his supply of food to the non-believers of Makkah, after he accepted Islam. A Bedouin Arab came and jerked his sheet so violently that its thick border injured his neck, leaving a red mark. He said, “Muhammad, this bounty of God that is with you is neither yours nor your father’s, so give me a camel load of it”. The Prophet said, “These goods certainly belong to God and I am his servants.” Then he ordered that he should be given a camel load of barely.”
In his last sermon during the end of the last pilgrimage, he had declared to the largest ever gathering that; “I declare all those issues causing bloodshed among tribes as null and void and as the starting point, I take back the claim to avenge a murder in my own family and the interest due on the loans by my uncle Abbas”.
Western Intellectuals view Islam as Tolerant, not Terrorist Faith

“… Jihaad had to be waged to defend Islam against aggressions… Once the war was terminated, the Muslims always displayed a great tolerance towards the conquered peoples leaving them their legislation and religious beliefs.”
--- (O. Houdes, La Grade Encyclopaedia, 1894
"Every honest Jew who knows the history of his people cannot but feel a deep sense of gratitude to Islam, which has protected the Jews for 50 generations, while the Christian world persecuted the Jews and tried many times 'by the sword' to get them to abandon their faith."
--Uri Avnery, September 27, 2006. An Israeli journalist, who was originally a member of the right wing Revisionist Zionist movement.

Husseini Yushau BabalWaiz,is the Research & Outreach Coordinator at the Center for Media & Peace Initiatives Inc. New York, Author of three books and tutor in Arabic and Islamic Studies. [email protected]:

Folks, This the third excerpt of my third book entitled :“Islam Promotes Tolerance & Prohibits Terrorism”, sub-titled: “Reviving the Islamic Advocacy of Mercy & Magnanimity to Mankind”. This has become necessary due to the current and contemporary cases of terrorism and radicalism which is associated with Islam and Muslim, and the western media alleges these acts of sadism and savagery are sanctioned by our faith. We hope this and the subsequent excerpts will set the record straight. and educate young Muslims out there who believe Islam justifies the act of terrorism. After serializing the entire manuscript, I will resume the history series by the will of Allah.